See the World in a Grain of Sand – Get Uncomfortable for Things to Change

May 4


Kevin W. C.

Kevin W. C.

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An oyster is known for the beautiful pearls they produce. But seldom do people realize that this valuable thing is formed through discomfort. Additionally the whole process of forming pearls take years. So it is with people. Everyone longs for some change in their lives. But without patience and discomfort, this ‘change’ will not happen.


To us,See the World in a Grain of Sand – Get Uncomfortable for Things to Change Articles pearls are a thing of beauty, a valuable article. However to an oyster or mollusk, it is nothing more than a reminder of an irritation and discomfort. Pearls form when a foreign entity gets lodged within an oyster. This can be a grain of sand or a parasite that causes irritation. If the oyster’s natural mechanism fails to expel such a foreign entity, the oyster then proceeds to encase the entity with nacre – a calcium carbonate based crystalline substance. Coat after coat of the substance is applied and over years, a beautiful pearl forms.

Everyone wants to earn more money, go on regular holidays, live in a bigger house and generally have a better life. This is apparent especially when New Year comes and resolutions are made. But sadly for the majority this is all that it will ever be…a resolution and nothing more. People want change in their lives but are not willing to change to make it happen. The reason for this is because change is an irritation, an uncomfortable position to be in. Imagine that spec of sand in your eye…uncomfortable isn’t it?

Unfortunately just like the case of the oyster, without the irritation and discomfort, the pearls will not form! Not only that, it takes time as well. It is this unwillingness to go through the uncomfortable process of change that has rendered so many people to be stuck in their mundane lives. People feel comfortable just doing exactly what they do day after day. And this is precisely what has brought them to this stage in their lives – doing the same thing.

Rationally thinking, the solution to having change in our lives is to do something differently. It is not necessary to make drastic changes. Tweaking things little by little is usually enough to yield a different result. After all, a little discomfort is easier to bear than excruciating pain. Keep doing whatever works and continue to change whatever needs improvement. Repeat this until the final result is what we want to achieve.

Patience is also essential in this whole process of change. Just like the pearl forming in the oysters, it takes a lot of time. The bigger the change, the more time is needed. It is not enough just to change the way we do things as mentioned. For this change to be permanent, it needs to be a habit. When our new actions become a habit, it is at this point in time that the discomfort we felt initially fades away.

It is commonly thought that it takes 21 days to form a habit. There are also studies that find this number to be closer to 2 months or so. The actual length of time is not the point, what is important is the patience and perseverance required to see it through. Time is a requirement. 

The next time you make a resolution be it during New Year or otherwise, or maybe just thinking of improving a certain aspect of your life, think of the pearl. What it took for it to form? The discomfort, the irritation the oyster had gone through and the years it took to shape into this beautiful lustrous object of desire. You can be just like a pearl! Get uncomfortable, persevere and be patient.

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