To Play And Win You Must Have CHIPS

Sep 11


Keith Shaw

Keith Shaw

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Today it is a rarity when you can find people that you can truly count on. Too many people are distracted, unfocused and undisciplined to even be on time - let alone have the common courtesy to let you know when they won't be there...ahead of time! In order to be successful at any endeavor, you must begin to build a solid foundation in these key areas.


Copyright (c) 2008 Mind Body Spirit Central,To Play And Win You Must Have CHIPS Articles LLC

I'll bet (yes, the pun is intended) that you may have heard or made this statement before,

"You can always count on him or her, when the CHIPS are down".

If you made the statement, it was because you knew that the person would get the job done, no matter what the odds, challenge or the obstacles involved.

It is a rarity today when you can find people that you can actually count on. Too many people are distracted, unfocused and undisciplined to even be on time - let alone have the common courtesy to let you know when they won't be there...ahead of time!

A case in point, I once worked with a man I will call "Ted", who was consistently late for EVERYTHING - work, personal and professional meetings, deadlines for marketing and sales presentations and of course, making decisions even on the smallest things. I even kidding him about the fact that he would be tardy for his own funeral. And here is the ironic part - "Ted" set his watch 15 minutes ahead to make sure that he was on time, and he WAS STILL CONSISTENTLY LATE!

In order to win at any endeavor, you must establish a solid foundation in these key areas of your life.

And with that in mind, here's my time-tested, "secret recipe" with the ingredients to help you compile your very own, limitless supply of C.H.I.P.S. These "chips" will help you become the kind of individual who can be counted on no matter what the situation - by your boss, friends, spouse, family and others.

Ingredient #1 - Concentration

Olympic Gold Medal Winner, Edwin Moses said, "My concentration level blocks out everything. Concentration is why some ... are better than others." By supreme effort of your concentration and determination you CAN change your whole life and accomplish miracles. You CAN be that person that everyone counts on. You alone CAN decide when the "tipping point" in your life will come. When you develop a concentrated "will to do" you will always find a way or make one.

Ingredient #2 - Humility

Being successful has nothing to do with drawing attention to your achievements or abilities. In fact, some of the most successful people in the world, such as a Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa or Warren Buffett are neither boastful nor ostentatious. Let the "self" go, and do what needs to be done ONLY because it is the right thing to do, and for no other reason. Period.

Ingredient #3 - Integrity

You will begin to develop the "power" leading to habits of success within you when you gravitate to a higher and calmer consciousness based on a foundation of ethical and moral standards and principles. This is integrity.

Ingredient #4 - Perseverance

No matter how long the journey on your success quest. No matter how many potholes, detours, and other obstacles are in your way. Those who have the will to do and perseverance to stay the course will win the game. It is said that Edison tried over 900 different components unsuccessfully before coming up with his working version of the light bulb. Edison also established the first "invention factory", which burned to the ground due to a chemical accident. When Edison was asked what he would do, he calmly said "We will rebuild". Stay the course. Be tenacious. Persevere.

And the final Ingredient #5 - Self Discipline

Those who have the ability to do what is required without needing to be poked, prodded or ordered to by someone else will win every time. Gain control of your mind, body and emotions. Develop your self mastery skills. Paraphrasing Yoda from the Star Wars films, "Do, or do not, there is no try". Motivation from within, trumps external motivation EVERYTIME!

Build your skill by diligent focus on these areas and you will notice an improvement in your ability to succeed. As you move forward, you may make wrong decisions from time to time. However, look at these situations as gaining the benefit of knowing what does not work. Your skills of concentration, perseverance and self discipline will help you to make the necessary changes when you know you are off course.