What does Extraordinary mean to You?

Aug 6


Joan Marie Whelan

Joan Marie Whelan

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"I believe that it is my job to help you become extraordinary in your life on a daily basis. How can I do this? Well, of course, I can not do it alone…I need your help!"


I believe that it is my job to help you become extraordinary in your life on a daily basis. How can I do this? Well,What does Extraordinary mean to You? Articles of course, I can not do it alone…I need your help! I believe in order to raise your level of thinking, being and feeling you must make a decision that you are willing to take responsibility for where you are right now, and for the direction you are heading in.  You need to allow you to become part of the whole team that make you whole and complete…so I say, you most definitely need to be one with me, your loved ones above and your Angels and Spirit Guides who are patiently waiting for you to ask for help.

To become extraordinary, you must make a commitment to yourself and be deliberate and disciplined in your every day actions and feelings.  How can one do this when we have so many things thrown at us on a daily basis?

What does extraordinary meant to you?

What is the opposite of extraordinary?  Possibly being ordinary, a follower, someone who does what they have to do and nothing else…stays with what is familiar…maybe lacks ambition or drive or purpose.  Quite frankly, the list goes on and on.

Now while there is nothing wrong with being ordinary after all, life is about experiences and you can decide what it is you wish to create being you.  You are in charge of your experiences and your life…so whatever you decided for you, I honor your choices.

You can choose at any moment to re-direct your course in life.  I know it is not always easy.

You need to share with your inner core, which experience you wish to have for yourself…

You need to be hones and truthful with you.  What is the life you are choosing for you…and then give yourself permission to have the life that is beckoning you.

Seek clarity in your vision and make very powerful and deliberate decisions.

Begin taking action based on your decisions.

So, excuse me for being curious…but who are you deciding to be right now…that is, today?

Great! So what is your game plan and what is the blueprint that you have designed to help you achieve it?  I am always ready to listen…and I have made a decision to help…so the next step is yours.

Let’s talk and see what the next step for you should be…after all…you are the creative force behind your chosen destiny.

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What does Extraordinary mean to you?

By Joan Marie Whelan

About the Author:

Visit Joan Marie Whelan at any one of her inspirational websites: www.JoanMarieWhelan.com, www.IntuitiveSpecialist.com, and www.MySerenityHouse.com. Joan Marie is an International Medium, Intuitive Specialist, Medical Intuitive, and Past/Present Life Expert.  Allow her to help you manifest your intuitive powers to achieve success, health and happiness.