Important General Knowledge Information About Donations And Giving

Oct 21


Shauna Rupert

Shauna Rupert

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Donating to charity not only gives you a good feeling but also helps your bottom line when you file your taxes. This mutually beneficial situation enc...


Donating to charity not only gives you a good feeling but also helps your bottom line when you file your taxes. This mutually beneficial situation encourages individuals to help charities who have and follow the same belief system of the person making the donation. But before donating and giving it is essential to educate yourself about the basics. General knowledge websites are a great place to start this journey.

Many charity groups and youth organizations raise money by holding a fundraiser. What is a fundraiser? This is usually an event such as a marathon,Important General Knowledge Information About Donations And Giving Articles barbeque, bake sale, or auction where volunteers donate their time and goods to raise money.  The money raised might be used for research, feeding those less fortunate, or buying uniforms for the little league team.  The reasons for fundraisers are wide and varied. Since there are many good causes that need funding, the fundraiser has become a popular way to do just that.


Some confuse non-profit organizations with charities.  Just because an organization is non-profit, does not necessarily mean it helps those less fortunate.  What is a non-profit organization? This just simply means that any profit earned beyond operational costs is used to further the organization’s objectives. Trade unions are a good example of a non-profit organization that doesn’t necessarily help a charitable cause. However, all charitable organizations are non-profit.

Most people have at some point been exposed to street fundraising. What is street fundraising? Simply put, this is someone who might be outside the grocery store or some other public event that is asking for donations of money. You will usually see quite a bit of this around the holidays when out holiday shopping.  This however has encouraged would be thieves to follow suit by representing some fictitious organization with all of the donations being firmly placed in their pockets.  When donating money to those asking for donations, it’s always a good idea to check the credibility of the organization, and when in doubt, don’t hesitate to ask the person for some sort of credentials. Should they balk, you can save your money for a deserving charity.

Sometimes we feel bombarded with requests for donations, but often we can help and choose not to, simply because we feel put upon. Helping others always makes us feel good and with the added benefit of a tax deduction, donating time or money is even more of a good thing.  Keep track of all of your donations throughout the year, and help when you can. We can all use a little help now and again, when your turn comes around, someone will be there for you. No matter what your income or background a good Samaritan should donate or volunteer every once in a while. Once you learn about the the basics of donating, giving and volunteering through reputable general knowledge websites you will know the next steps to take in order to help those less fortunate.

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