Stay Alert: The Risks of Illegitimate EHIC Websites

May 6


Lisa Jeeves

Lisa Jeeves

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As you plan your European journey, stay alert to the dangers of fraudulent websites offering European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) applications for a fee. The EHIC is available at no cost through official channels. This guide will help you spot fake websites, understand the importance of the EHIC, and underscore why travel insurance is essential for your trips.

Understanding the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)

The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is a vital document for UK travelers visiting European Union countries. It grants you access to state-provided healthcare during your stay,Stay Alert: The Risks of Illegitimate EHIC Websites Articles under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in many cases) as people insured in that country. However, it's crucial to note that the EHIC is not a substitute for travel insurance. It does not cover private healthcare or costs such as a return flight to your home country or lost/stolen property.

The Perils of Non-official EHIC Websites

As the demand for EHICs rises with the approach of the holiday season, so does the proliferation of non-official websites. These sites often charge unsuspecting travelers a fee to process their EHIC applications — a service that is entirely free through the official NHS website. According to a report by the UK's Competition and Markets Authority, unsuspecting consumers have lost thousands to these scams.

How to Identify and Avoid Fake EHIC Websites

Here are some tips to help you avoid falling victim to these scams:

  • Official Website Confirmation: Always use the official NHS website to apply for your EHIC. The correct URL should contain ''.
  • Avoid Paying Fees: Remember, there is no fee to apply for an EHIC. Any website that requests payment for processing an EHIC is likely a scam.
  • Look for Secure Connections: Check for a padlock symbol in the URL bar, which indicates a secure connection.
  • Be Wary of Advertisements: Many fake sites advertise their services. Stick to the official site accessed directly through a trusted source.

The Importance of EHIC and Travel Insurance

While the EHIC provides necessary health coverage, it's not comprehensive. Travel insurance is recommended to cover other risks such as trip cancellations, emergency repatriation, and private medical costs. According to the Association of British Insurers, millions of Britons travel without appropriate travel insurance, risking thousands in potential medical bills.

Comparing EHIC and Travel Insurance

| Coverage | EHIC | Travel Insurance | |------------------|-----------------------|-----------------------| | Medical Care | State-provided only | Private and state | | Repatriation | Not covered | Covered | | Trip Cancellation | Not covered | Covered | | Lost/Stolen Items| Not covered | Covered |


Before traveling to Europe, ensure you have both an EHIC and comprehensive travel insurance. Apply for your EHIC through the official NHS website and be cautious of any site that charges a fee for this free service. By staying informed and cautious, you can avoid scams and ensure your health and safety while abroad.