General Information about Weight Loss

Feb 11


Amaury Hernández

Amaury Hernández

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In a world in which the majority of people do not get enough to eat, it is somewhat ironic that being overweight is the number one nutritional problem in the United States today. An estimated 25 million Americans are considered obese, meaning that they are 20 percent or more above the ideal weight for their height, build, age and sex.

Causes of Overweight

Why some people become overweight and others remain slim,General Information about Weight Loss Articles even while appearing to eat more than their obese peers, is not fully understood. It would seem that weight gain and loss are matters of simple arithmetic: When more calories are consumed than the body requires, weight goes up; when more are burned than consumed, weight goes down.

Unfortunately, however, weight control is more complex than simple arithmetic. Genetics, metabolism, socioeconomic status and modern technology all are important factors. Studies have found that the average American today actually eats less than his or her counterpart in 1900, but is more apt to be overweight thanks to modern technology and work-saving devices that not only save human labor, but also reduce our calorie requirements.

Moreover, such inactivity compounds the problem of weight control, because people tend to eat more when they are sedentary. Recent studies suggest that exercise helps regulate the brain's appetite control center, which means an inactive person may have more trouble controlling his appetite than someone who adheres to even a moderate exercise program.

Although inactivity and overeating account for most weight problems, biology also seems to create a predisposition in some people. New research, for example, has confirmed what many obese individuals have long claimed: They do not necessarily eat more food than slim people, they just burn it up more slowly. This is particularly true of people who go on crash or semi-starvation diets - they may lose weight at first, but the body adjusts by lowering its metabolism. As a result, they actually require fewer calories to maintain normal weight than before. This phenomenon is even more apparent in repeat dieters, which explains why many dieters tend to regain some weight even if they stay within normal caloric consumption.

Hazards of Obesity

An extra four or five pounds has no effect on health. But an extra 20, 30 or 40 pounds poses numerous and well-documented dangers. Obese people have higher rates of diabetes, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, heart attacks, kidney disorders and gallbladder disease. Not coincidentally, they also have a higher premature death rate. Because of the added burden that excess weight puts on the bones, arthritis, gout and back disorders are also more common among the obese.


For people who need to lose weight, there are literally hundreds of diet plans available. No one should undertake a drastic diet that markedly changes food consumption or eating habits without first consulting a doctor. The most successful and medically sound diets are those that reduce caloric intake, but still allow a healthy variety of foods, and at the same time alter eating habits and exercise levels to help ensure that the weight is not regained. Fad or crash diets that specify eating a very limited number of foods (the rice, grapefruit or liquid protein diets are some examples) may help shed pounds quickly, but are likely to fail because they do not help people alter long-term eating habits.

Behavioral Modification

Whatever the cause of obesity, the way to lose weight is to modify one's eating habits. Modifying or altering eating habits into new, learned patterns is, therefore, an essential factor in maintaining normal weight. Behavioral modification includes learning to eat slowly and only at definite times during the day. Portion sizes are scaled down and alternate ways of dealing with stress are devised. However, behavioral programs are also complicated and often require the assistance of a therapist.