Complete Guide to the History of Wedding Invitations

May 21




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Understanding the history of wedding invitations can provide valuable insights for your own wedding planning. This comprehensive guide delves into the evolution of wedding invitations, from town criers to modern-day digital designs, highlighting key milestones and fascinating facts along the way.

The Origins of Wedding Invitations

The Town Crier Era (1447)

In 1447,Complete Guide to the History of Wedding Invitations Articles weddings in the UK were typically announced by a town crier. This individual would walk through the streets, proclaiming the news of the day, including upcoming weddings. Anyone who heard the announcement was considered invited to the celebration. This method was particularly effective in a time when literacy rates were low, and written communication was not widespread.

The Rise of Written Invitations

As literacy rates improved, especially among the nobility, the practice of sending written wedding invitations began to take hold. Monks, skilled in the art of calligraphy, were often commissioned to handcraft these invitations. These early invites frequently featured the coat of arms or personal crest of the sender and were sometimes sealed with wax. This tradition of using a crest or seal continues today, adding a touch of elegance to modern wedding invitations.

The Evolution of Wedding Announcements

The Advent of Metal Plate Engraving

With the advent of metal plate engraving, the practice of announcing weddings via newspapers gained popularity. This method allowed for more detailed and ornate designs, making wedding announcements a more formal affair.

The Double Envelope System

Due to the unreliable postal system of the time, wedding invitations were often delivered by hand. To protect these precious documents from damage, a "double envelope" system was employed. The outer envelope would shield the inner, more decorative envelope, ensuring the invitation arrived in pristine condition.

Modern Wedding Invitations

Technological Advancements

As technology advanced, so did the methods of creating and delivering wedding invitations. The graphic design industry has flourished, offering millions of designs in various forms and colors. Today, couples can choose from a wide array of options, from traditional paper invitations to digital e-vites, making it easier than ever to find something that fits their style and budget.

The Impact of Digital Invitations

Digital invitations have become increasingly popular, offering a convenient and eco-friendly alternative to traditional paper invites. According to a 2020 survey by The Knot, 27% of couples opted for digital invitations, a trend that continues to grow [^1^].

Interesting Facts and Statistics

  • Historical Literacy Rates: In the 15th century, literacy rates in England were estimated to be around 10% for men and even lower for women [^2^].
  • Cost of Wedding Invitations: The average cost of wedding invitations in the United States is approximately $590, according to a 2021 survey by The Knot [^3^].
  • Environmental Impact: Switching to digital invitations can save approximately 3.5 pounds of paper per wedding, contributing to a more sustainable celebration [^4^].


The history of wedding invitations is a fascinating journey from town criers to digital designs. Understanding this evolution can help you make informed decisions for your own wedding, whether you opt for traditional paper invites or modern digital alternatives.

For more information and to view templates and designs, visit The Knot's Wedding Invitations.

[^1^]: The Knot 2020 Real Weddings Study [^2^]: Historical Literacy Rates [^3^]: The Knot 2021 Real Weddings Study [^4^]: Environmental Impact of Digital Invitations

This article provides a detailed look at the history and evolution of wedding invitations, offering valuable insights and interesting statistics to help you make informed decisions for your special day.

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