Advanced Pilates Techniques for Intermediate Practitioners

May 6


Steven Giles

Steven Giles

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Elevate your Pilates routine with these intermediate exercises designed to enhance stability, control, and strength. This guide is perfect for those who have mastered the basics of Pilates and are looking to challenge themselves further, particularly in alleviating back pain and improving overall fitness.


Introduction to Intermediate Pilates

As you progress in your Pilates journey,Advanced Pilates Techniques for Intermediate Practitioners Articles incorporating new tools and techniques is essential to keep your workouts challenging and effective. One such tool is the exercise ball, which introduces an added layer of difficulty by engaging more muscle groups and enhancing your balance and coordination.

Essential Pilates Exercises Using an Exercise Ball

Full Roll Up

  1. Position: Start lying flat on your back with legs straight and together. Hold a 65 cm exercise ball above your head.
  2. Movement:
    • Inhale and lift the ball overhead.
    • Exhale and slowly curl your head and shoulders off the mat, rolling up over your knees.
    • Extend arms in front of you.
    • Inhale and prepare to return.
    • Exhale and slowly roll down to the starting position.
  3. Repetitions: Perform 5 to 8 times.
  4. Tip: Keep your shoulders relaxed and legs firmly together.

Rolling Like a Ball

  1. Position: Sit at the front of your mat, holding the ball with both palms, balancing on your sitting bones with knees tucked.
  2. Movement:
    • Inhale and engage your core, rolling back to shoulder level (not onto the neck).
    • Exhale and roll back up to the starting C-curve position.
  3. Repetitions: Repeat 5 times.
  4. Tip: Maintain the C-curve and avoid rolling onto the neck.

Single Leg Stretch

  1. Position: Lie on your back, knees to chest, holding the ball between your hands resting on your knees.
  2. Movement:
    • Inhale, hold the ball above your chest.
    • Exhale, extend one leg at a 45-degree angle while lifting head and shoulders.
    • Alternate legs with each breath cycle.
  3. Repetitions: Perform 10 times.
  4. Tip: Keep your lower back pressed to the mat; adjust leg height if necessary.

Hip Lift Hamstring Curl

  1. Position: Lie on your back with legs straight and ankles on the ball.
  2. Movement:
    • Inhale, then exhale and lift your hips to form a straight line from shoulders to feet.
    • Pull the ball towards you and push it away, maintaining hip elevation.
  3. Repetitions: 10 times.
  4. Tip: Stabilize the ball and engage your core, hamstrings, and glutes.

Enhancing Your Pilates Practice

To further your knowledge and technique in Pilates, consider exploring additional resources such as DVDs recommended by healthcare professionals. For instance, a British Osteopath/Physiotherapist recommends specific Pilates DVDs that are tailored for back pain relief and intermediate level exercises.

For more insights and tips on Pilates, visit Stretch or Pilates for Back Pain, a blog dedicated to improving back health through Pilates.


Advancing in Pilates requires dedication and the willingness to challenge oneself with new exercises and tools. By incorporating an exercise ball into your routine, you can significantly enhance your core strength, stability, and overall fitness. Remember to listen to your body and adjust the exercises to suit your comfort and skill level.