How One Idea Can Influence Your Income And Happiness

Feb 14


Jim Meisenheimer

Jim Meisenheimer

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Learn 12 sales tips from a genuine sales master.


I just did it again.

I reread one of the best sales books ever written for the fifth time. It's a classic book on sales.  I first mentioned this book to you 18 months ago.

I've got so many notes in this book I can barely read the type on the pages.  The title of the first chapter is,How One Idea Can Influence Your Income And Happiness Articles "How one idea multiplied my income and happiness."

This guy really knows how to grab your attention.  Here's his powerful and provocative idea. 

"Nothing but the determination to act enthusiastic increased my income 700% in 10 days!"  Your enthusiasm really does make a difference, so you'd better have it with you during every sales call.

This book is getting hard to read now because I have so many things underlined and highlighted.  The inside front and back covers are loaded with notes.  But that's good isn't it? 

I'd like to share some of the things the author said in his book:

1. He said, "When I force myself to be enthusiastic, I soon feel enthusiastic."

2. He felt no one was cut out to be a salesperson.  He said, "You have to cut yourself out to be whatever you want to be."

3. He said, "The most important secret of salesmanship is to find out what the other fellow wants, then help him find the best way to get it."

4. He used the word "You" and "Your" as often as 69 times in a 15 minute sales call.

5. He discovered the most important word to use in sales had only three letters - "WHY."  He used that word often when dealing with objections.

6. He talked about a daily ritual he performed and got these results, "I became more welcome everywhere, when I did this."

7. When faced with objections he often said, "In addition to that, isn't there something else in the back of your mind?"  Imagine what you could learn about your customer when you ask this question.

8. He also believes, "By concentrating on one thing at a time, you will get farther with it in one week than you otherwise would in a year."

9. He said, "A salesperson cannot know too much but he can talk too much."

10. He pondered, "Have you ever noticed that the breaks seem to go with the person who has a sincere, enthusiastic smile?"

11. He also said, "Give every living soul you meet the best smile you ever smiled in your life, even your spouse and children, and see how much better you feel and look.  It's one of the best ways I know to stop worrying and start living."

12. He devoted an entire section, five full chapters, of his book describing ideas on "How to make people want to do business with you." This is a must read if you're in sales.

Well, you'd probably like to know the author's name and here it is.  Frank Bettger wrote "How I Raised Myself From Failure To Success In Selling."  It's a classic sales book with over 700,000 copies sold.

This book is so powerful I just bought another 50 copies.  That's right another 50 copies.  I did the same thing 18 months ago.

So what am I gonna do with them?  I'm going to make you an irresistable offer which includes your personal copy Frank's book. 

I guesstimate only 1% of my readers will scoop up this very special package.

And I can't wait to get your e-mails telling me how the ideas in Frank's book helped you close some BIG DEALS!

Go here for complete details:

Let's go sell something . . .

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