1 Phrase You Didn't Hear At School - But Should Have!

Sep 21


Gordon Bryan

Gordon Bryan

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‘Je suis un ... means ‘I am a cat’ in French.I was taught that when I was, ooh, let’s see, maybe 11 years old?I studied French until I was 18, in fact I was quite good at ... the fact th


‘Je suis un chat’.
That means ‘I am a cat’ in French.

I was taught that when I was,1 Phrase You Didn't Hear At School - But Should Have! Articles ooh, let’s see, maybe 11 years old?
I studied French until I was 18, in fact I was quite good at it.

Despite the fact that my teacher said I had one of the worst accents she
had ever heard, I got a good grade ‘A’ Level.

I think can actually remember saying ‘Je suis un chat’ in the spoken exam.

Whereas this phrase – ‘I am a strong and worthy person’ –
Or this one – ‘I can achieve anything I want to achieve’ –

Well, no, I can’t remember being taught either of those.

Ok, I can accept the possibility that if I come back in the next life as a cat,
(who lives in France), it might be fairly handy to be able to say ‘Je suis
un chat’, but *this* is what I struggle with, *this* is what keeps me awake
at night…

Why, oh why, was I taught that phrase, but not the other two?

‘I am a strong and worthy person.’
‘I can achieve anything I want to achieve.’

These two, repeated morning and night, outloud, and often throughout the
day, will give you an increased level of self-esteem immediately.

Don’t believe me?

Try it.
Go on, right now as you read this, say it outloud, ‘I am a strong and
worthy person’.
You will *feel* stronger and worthier.

If we accept the failings of our education, as well as appreciating the
good bits, we can see the gaps in our knowledge, and educate ourselves.

Self-esteem books cost only a few dollars, or you can get them in a library.
Most of us make no effort whatsoever to educate ourselves in adult life.
We rely on what we were taught at school, and in my view that’s the
reason most of us don’t even come close to realising our life’s potential.

If you take the time to look at yourself, learn something new, you can
wrestle back the reins of your life and take your life in whatever
direction you choose.

Teach yourself and reap the rewards.
You might not have been taught it at school, but by jiminy you can teach
yourself now!

So why *aren’t* we taught self-esteem at school?
Je ne sais pas! (I don’t know!)

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