How To Overcome Nervousness, Negativity And Lack Of Self Confidence And Soar

Dec 17


Martin Mak

Martin Mak

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We all have our down moments sometimes. A healthy mind is also a fertile one. Once you set yourself free from the shackles of negativity and poor self-confidence, you’ll feel a surge of new energy and your creativity will blossom.


Only a few people can really say that they have made their dreams come true.  Most only wished or dream about the leading their ideal kind of life.  In most cases,How To Overcome Nervousness,  Negativity And Lack Of Self Confidence And Soar Articles the only real obstacle to success is fear.  Such people have conversations in their heads that go something like this, “I can’t do that, I wouldn’t dare, I’m not smart enough, I’m afraid.” How often have you said something similar to yourself when you were faced with a challenge? 

Self-confidence is the best tool to use to  reach your goals and enjoy life.  We fear making mistakes, taking risks and failing, and these fears hold us back from taking the many chances that life throws our way.  If you always ask yourself self-defeating questions that begin with “what if… ?.”, then this will come between you and your dreams, an obstacle to your ideal future. 

Asking ourselves the wrong questions and brooding over unpleasant consequences prevents us from moving on to important activities, and prevents us from achieving peak performances.  You could end up in a vicious circle, unable to act on your intuition.  The result is a self-fulfilling prophecy the very thing that we feared at the onset, that which we focused on and brooded, is what in fact occurs, and we fail to achieve our goals.

Negative thoughts stagnates our capacity for creative thinking.   For instance, if your response to a new challenge is to say to yourself, “I’m not capable of doing that, I can’t cope”, then there is a strong possibility that you won’t be able to cope.   Imagine a student who is anxious the night before an important exam.  Even if he or she has studied hard and prepared for all possible questions, his or her thoughts can become paralyzed by pure fear.  The unfortunate end result is that the student  is unable to answer the questions when seated in the examination room.  The brain does not function well when under such a psychological stress.   When the student is undertaking the exam, he or she may simply forget everything that has been learnt, it simply vanishes, even though the student has gone over   the material many times. 

Obviously if we focus too much on failure or the fear of failure, our mind has an innate ability to make it come true.  Of course, any student will face stress and panic as the examinations draw near but with good study skills and memory techniques or memory training, such bad experiences will be much much less.  But without such tools, what then can the student  do about such negative thoughts   Taking the student as an example,  he or she has a tendency to think “It doesn’t matter what I do, I’m still not going to pass”.  Then that student will not be able to rest peacefully the night before  and in the morning, go to the examination hall with unfounded premonitions of failure.   The body can also make the situation more real by tensing up the stomach or cause the heart to beat faster.  The path to complete failure happens when he or she visualize the bad marks appearing on his or her result slip or report card.  However, if the student  takes a more positive approach and says’ “I have done all I can to prepare for the exam and that is why everything will work out fine”, then he or she will feel rested and go into the examination with feelings of self confidence. 

When you  are faced with worries or self-doubt, ridden with fear and feel restless inside or in other words, you have a negative attitude in life  towards yourself and life in general, you will find that you are actually impeding your own way to the top. 

If you want to calm yourself and remove all these bad feelings, you should first ask yourself where your worries or fears will get you?  You will realize that worrying does not give strength energy, courage or confidence, nor does it improve your concentration and ability to learn.  So instead of brooding, try to follow some sound advice and say to yourself.  “I intend to change the thing that I can change, and that which I cannot change, I’ll leave well alone and be at peace with myself”

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