Color and Promotional Umbrellas

Mar 26


Gareth Parkin

Gareth Parkin

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If you've decided that promotional umbrellas are the right product to advertise your brand, then don't forget that they come in massive array of colour choices so try and make the panels compliment your corporate branding.


Putting your company colors on a promotional umbrella is a good idea to help reinforce your brand's image on an item that has been produced solely for promotional purposes. It really only makes sense that if you're going to put your logo or slogan on a promotional umbrella that you would then also choose to create the umbrella itself out of materials that reflect your corporate colors.

Notice however that the idea is to reflect your corporate colors,Color and Promotional Umbrellas Articles not necessarily mimic them. Not all corporate colors will make the same transition from paper to promotional umbrellas where they are used in large chunks of color rather then the delicate lines of a printing press. In instances such as this you will want to tweak your company's colors a little bit in order to make them more attractive for use on a promotional umbrella. Do not pick all new colors, but rather just pick colors that are in the same color family as the originals; you will then have a great color palette for use when designing your promotional umbrellas.

It is not a good idea to choose completely new colors for designing a promotional umbrella because then you will end up confusing customers who are accustomed to seeing one form of your company's image. Should your company not have any corporate colors, or are on interested in continuing the use of the current corporate colors you have two options.

First you can come up with all new company colors and use these for designing your promotional umbrella, or you can use a simple white umbrella with black text and black logos. The advantage here goes to using black text on a white promotional umbrella because it is not something new for a customer to get used to, and is also very visible. However if you do decide to choose new company colors for your promotional umbrella make sure that they are not limited to the promotional umbrella's but are also used across all of your other marketing materials.