Why should you Cloak Your Affiliate Links.

Jan 13


Jon Lee

Jon Lee

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This report is for the people who think they are losing their commissions from altered affiliate Url's.

    An Affiliate is a salesperson that promotes another's website to make a commission on his/her sales effort for that website. This is both beneficial for both the website owner and the individual sales person. The website owner can have literally have thousand of sales reps at no cost to him. He only pays when those sales reps actually sells his product. The sales rep also is in a good position because he/she has thousands of customers to try to sell to. The website owner issues a affiliate link to the sales person and most of the time promotional materials the sales person can use. The affiliate link is used to track the time of the sale and what was purchased. The sales person then gets a percentage of sales price.For some reason, Why should you Cloak Your Affiliate Links. Articles I guess to be mean, a user will copy and paste the affiliates url in his browser and then erase the affiliates id. This leads to the affiliate does not getting the sale. The website will get credit for the sale, but some sites rotate their ads so some one else will get the credit. This seams to be quit unfair, so the question is what can we do to mimize losing our sales.Their are several ways to cloak a affiliates address. One way is to use frames. Frames are easy to setup and you don't need a website to use them. The problem is you can not use frames with most surfing software like trafficswarm or topsurfer because they are using them. Another thing to watch out for is using the “&” sign. A lot of Ezine will cut the url off at the “&” and now your URL that is ineffective.In Part 2 We will cover how to do this with two lines of code.In Part 3 We will add a simple Email Alert routine.To Read Part2 Go To : http://www.adlistpro.com/100Till next time.Jon Lee