Hearing The Solution To Your Business Challenges

Dec 24


André Taylor

André Taylor

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What business questions are being answered during the most routine moments of your day?There’s an inner dialogue in all of us, always running in the background. It’s a give and take helping us sort out challenges we face day-to-day. One might describe it as series of questions and answers always playing at a low volume. Inside our head, we ask ourselves questions like: “What step should I take next?” Later, we may hear an answer in a faint voice. “Focus on the item you wrote in your journal yesterday.”

It’s wonderful when we can match our deepest business questions with clear insights. But often the solution we’re seeking doesn’t come forth so clearly. The answer may be obvious but appear unexpectedly camouflaged.

I was once struggling with a question about what company would be the right corporate sponsor for a project I was working on. There were so many possibilities I was unsure which company I should focus my sales effort on. I kept in my mind,Hearing The Solution To Your Business Challenges Articles the idea that I needed an excellent corporate partner for this project -- one that would be supportive and eager to participate.

Days later, while working on other matters, I received a call from a friend. He proceeded to tell me about all that was going on in his life. He went on and on about a problem he was having with a particular telecommunications company. Eager to focus on the huge amount of emails, documents, calls, meetings, and errands on my calendar, I excused myself from the call to re-focus on my work. It wasn’t until several days later that I realized he unknowingly gave me the name of the company that I should contact about my pending project. I later made my pitch and walked away with a lucrative sponsorship deal.

It’s said that great business people have marvelous instincts. In fact, in my work I have focused a great deal on helping business leaders identify their most dominant natural instincts and use them to their advantage. I have found that what’s obvious is often not so obvious to many entrepreneurs and professionals because we’re all conditioned to expect ideas, information, and solutions in precisely the ways we’ve always received them. We are often far more attuned to the predictable and completely miss the preeminent. Whatever your approach to personal growth you must become aware of your limiting patterns – and learn to break free of them. We all have pre-set modes that shape how we recognize and interpret information and situations. We can all witness the same event, yet notice entirely different things. We can limit our ability to see business solutions that come to us “unlabeled” and quietly slip through the “back door.” Today, become more aware of all of the messages wrapped in your work, and remember that our most potent answers are sometimes hidden in those routine moments of your day.