Importance Of Mobile Research For Retail Analysts
A growing number of researchers have shown that smartphone ownership is rising steadily and the numbers have proven to be quite staggering. According to studies done conducted by most major telecoms, almost half of the US mobile phone owners use a smartphone.
A growing number of researchers have shown that smartphone ownership is rising steadily and the numbers have proven to be quite staggering. According to studies done conducted by most major telecoms,
almost half of the US mobile phone owners use a smartphone. Worldwide, there are over 5 billion mobile phone users of which 1 out of every 5 are using smartphones.
It is a must for retail analysts to use and to take advantage of the amount of data that is being generated from these users and have it analyzed and quantified. These smartphones and other mobile data devices are undeniably an important mobile research device, with which retail analysts can utilize it as a tool that allows users to conduct research anytime, and anywhere.
A good example of the type of data that a retail analyst can use via mobile research would be with how people use their cameras as they upload the photos of things that interest them via the many social media networks. They do all these seamlessly through their smartphones and other mobile data devices such as portable computer tablets, without having the need to plug in to a computer. This allows market researchers the chance to see and analyze real time data as it is happening.
Another way that mobile research can help retail analysts is through online group forum that can be made in available through mobile applications or simply though mobile social media such as facebook, twitter, etc, allowing them to easily share their thoughts and ideas as an interactive online focus group. Aside from this, smartphones also log data based on location giving retail analysts the ability to gather data per specific location. A retail analyst can even have participants of a study keep an online travel diary, which logs their “check ins” and possible purchases at any given time.
A growing number of companies have also started taking advantage of how mobile research data can be obtained via mobile applications through the use of internal adverts placed in them to gather data providing insight into the smartphone user’s preferences and purchasing mentality, data that is undeniably important for any retail analyst.
The concoction of the different types of data that a retail analyst can obtain through mobile research, one can yield findings more extensive and thorough compared to any other forms of qualitative research. Smartphones are evolving into a tool that allows for a level of data that is becoming even more richer and up to date and shall most definitely continue to progress with the given trends in technology to date.