Is Your Child Too Sick For School?

Jun 8


Chris Lowrey

Chris Lowrey

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How do you know when your child is too sick for school? Here are some easy tips that will help you judge their level of sickness. And, if they are faking, here are some tips to stop that from happening.


Don’t you just love the mornings when our children wake up and inform us they are sick? Usually it is the morning that we are running late,Is Your Child Too Sick For School? Articles too! So we, as parents, take their temperature (by way of mom’s touch) and look into their eyes, thinking we can see how sick they really are. Then, our thought process kicks in… are they really too sick to go to school? Sad to admit, but sometimes, some of us send them to school regardless. Guilty… yep… and though the feelings of being a terrible parent burden us all day, we have been known to repeat the decision more than once.

So, what really is too sick? Below is a list of symptoms that are sure signs that they MUST stay home.

1. A temperature of more than 100 degrees orally

2. Nausea or vomiting

3. Diarrhea

4. Pale or flushed face

5. Persistent cough

6. Earache

7. Thick yellowish discharge from nose

8. Rash or infection of the skin

9. Red or pink eyes

10. Loss of energy or decrease in activity

But, what about the symptoms that are easy to fake? The stomachache, headache, or sore throat. Those are the tough calls. You know your child the best. If you believe your child is too sick to go to school but they are insistent, explain that it would be wrong to impose their germs on their friends and be firm that they stay home. If however you strongly believe they are faking it, there is a good solution that should only take once or twice to stop the faking.

Let them stay home and make them stay in bed all day and night. Explain that before they decide to stay home they must understand the course of the day. They will stay in bed with no t.v., no video games, no music, no NOTHING. They will simply rest, all day, all night. They may only come out of their room to eat and use the restroom.

As the day goes on you will know if they are truly sick and you can make them more comfortable. If, however, you become aware that they have been miraculously cured of what ailed them, you will begin to see their boredom build. DON’T lighten their boredom. Let this be a lesson that will stay with them. They will think twice before they decide to fake an illness again.

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