Need some inexpensive, creative gifts that speak volumes? Look no further!
Mother’s Day is approaching and you want to do something special for your wife. You know flowers and a meal at a nice restaurant are always welcome, but what else can you do to show your appreciation? Here are ten unique gift ideas to say "I love you" to your wife, most of which are absolutely free!
1. See all that laundry piled up in the basket? Surprise your spouse by doing the laundry and putting it away. Remember to separate the darks and maybe even set the washer’s setting to gentle to avoid ruining her favorite shirt.
2. If your wife works outside the home, send a love note to her office on Friday before Mother’s Day. Tell her how much you appreciate her hard work in caring for you and the children. Praise her for specific ways she mothers your children with patience, wisdom, a sense of humor, etc.
3. Instead of avoiding a chick flick like the plague, go ahead and rent one you think your wife would enjoy. Send your wife an invitation to a movie night. Light candles, make popcorn, and snuggle up under a blanket while you watch.
4. Offer a half day where you will do anything she wants. Whether she asks you to plant flowers, clean your tool bench, go shopping with her or whatever, you’ll do it gladly! She’ll love having you complete some items on the "honey do" list.
5. Turn your bedroom into a day spa. Draw a hot bath for your wife, complete with mountain high bubbles, candles and relaxing music. Then give her a Mother’s Day massage. While you’re rubbing her shoulders and back, tell her how much you appreciate all the things she does for your family.
6. Wash her car and vacuum the inside. Whether you have this done at a car wash or do it yourself, she’ll appreciate driving a clean vehicle.
7. Give her a gift certificate to one of her favorite clothing stores. Take her out on a date and choose an outfit together.
8. If your children are grown and out of the house, plan something special with them. Maybe this is the Mother’s Day for all the children to travel home to surprise mom. Or everyone can plan to call at a certain time, or send letters of appreciation that you can put in a folder for your wife.
9. Have a maid service clean the house so the house will be sparkling for Mother’s Day without your wife lifting a finger.
10. Take care of the kids for the afternoon and tell your wife to do whatever she would like. Get caught up on scrapbooking, read a book, go to the store alone, watch a movie, have coffee with her girlfriend, whatever would re-charge her battery!
The key is finding something your wife would enjoy. She’ll be touched by your kind efforts to show your appreciation, reduce her stress level, and help in getting the household chores done. This will be a Mother’s Day to remember!
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