While most online investment and trading services give you all the information you need to be successful with your efforts, few of them give you detailed information about moving money into and out of your account. This article will inform you about this exact topic, which everyone expects you to know but no one ever tells you.
When it comes to your online trading and investment accounts, what is the most important thing you can know when it comes to making money? Is it having a successful trading strategy? While this is important, the most important thing you can become familiar with is moving money into and out of your account, for money that you cannot spend is of no use to you.
This article will talk about the most widely accepted tools for moving money to and from investment and trading accounts, which is a topic that very few brokers will discuss with you directly but that everybody just expects you to know.
Using Credit Cards To Fund Your Trading Accounts
Many brokers will accept major credit cards as a means of funding your account, but whether or not this is a good choice for you to use depends on a number of factors. The size of your credit limit comes into play, as well as acknowledging whether or not this is a credit card that you use in your daily life such as going to the grocery store.
If this a a credit card that you use frequently, it would not be wise to run up the credit balance so that you do not have enough left to for common shopping items. If you are depositing a larger amount of money into your account (over $5,000) then it may make sense to use a different means of funding your account.
Using Electronic Fund Transfers to Add or Withdraw Money
One of the most popular ways of adding or withdrawing large amounts of money from investment or trading accounts is a standard electronic funds transfer.
There are different types of electronic fund transfers, but the kind that your broker will likely use will either be a direct deposit or a direct debit. A direct deposit is when you instruct your bank to transfer a certain amount of money from one of your bank accounts to one of your broker's accounts, and a direct debit is when you broker gives an instruction to collect a certain amount of money from an account you designate or the other way around for making recurring withdrawls.
A direct deposit is the same type of payment that most online affiliate networks or employers that pay employees electronically will use, which usually takes less than a day and does not require confirmation. A direct debit however does require some sort of authorization, and may be an option if you wish to withdraw a certain amount from your account on a monthly basis.
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