A Guide To Gall Bladder Diseases

Aug 4


David Cowley

David Cowley

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Bile is made in the liver and the gallbladder stores and releases it in a controlled maner to help the body digest fats. If the flow of bile is slowed or blocked then the ball bladder can become infected and inflamed.


The gall bladder is one of the most important organs in the body,A Guide To Gall Bladder Diseases Articles but there are many problems that are associated with it.  Gall bladder diseases are surprisingly common, and it is important to be aware of the different causes and symptoms of these gall bladder diseases, so that you will be able to tell right away if you are developing the disease yourself.

Bile is made in the liver and the gallbladder stores and releases it in a controlled maner to help the body digest fats.  If the flow of bile is slowed or blocked then the ball bladder can become infected and inflamed.

Gall bladder disease is a condition that affects both men and women but a much larger majority of women.  There are many symptoms that are associated with gall bladder diseases, a few of the most common being steady and severe pain in the upper abdomen that increases rapidly and lasts for several hours, pain under the right shoulder, nausea or vomiting, colic, belching, and indigestion.

There are actually several different gall bladder diseases that one can suffer with, acute cholecystitis being one.  It is an infection or inflammation of the gall bladder, which causes pain and usually a fever as well.  The pain experienced usually tends to get worse by coughing and moving around and if you ever experience the symptoms of this gall bladder disease you should get in to see your doctor as soon as possible.

Then there is also chronic cholecystitis, which is a chronic inflammation of the gall bladder and which causes sporadic pain in the middle of the upper abdomen, pain that may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and the frequency and severity of attacks is variable.  Attacks can be triggered by a variety of factors, including foods such as chocolate and pastries.

Jaundice is also considered as being one of the most common gall bladder diseases.  It is a condition that can occur when there are gall stones present, and the earliest symptoms of the condition include the same as those associated with acute cholescystitis.  Jaundice is caused when there is an obstruction to the flow of bile from the liver.

All gall bladder diseases are considered as being serious and can even be potentially dangerous if left untreated.  It is important that you seek medical attention if you begin experiencing any of the symptoms noted here and that you get treatment as immediately as possible.

There are many treatments that you can use to relieve the symptoms associated with these diseases, even things that you can do right at home.  Attacks can usually be treated with over the counter painkillers, and even doing something as simple as placing something warm like a hot water bottle on your stomach can bring relief.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with treating gall bladder problems such as vitamin A, vitamin C, garlic and Ginkgo Plus.

Vitamin A deficiency may increase the risk of cancers of the lung, larynx, bladder, gall bladder, esophagus, stomach, colon, rectum and prostate.

Vitamin C is nature's protective nutrient, essential for defending the body against pollution and infection and enhances the bodies' immune system.  Take 1,000 to 5,000 mg daily.

Garlic counteracts the usual result of high fats in the diet and to help reduce high blood pressure.

Ginkgo Plus widen blood vessels, increases circulation and speeds blood flow in the capillaries.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

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