Banana Allergy

Aug 1


David Cowley

David Cowley

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Bananas originated in Malaysia around 2,000 B.C. and then spread throughout the Philippines and India. Alexander the Great recorded them being grown in India in 327 B.C. Today bananas are grown in most tropical and subtropical regions around the world with the main commercial producers located in Central America. With the development of rapid transportation bananas have become widely available.


If you have an Banana Allergy then you suffer from allergies Type 1 or contact allergy.  The protein found in banana called chitinase,Banana Allergy Articles causes the immune system in some individuals to overreact and treat the protein as harmful to your body.  The reason the body overacts to certain foods is not clear and more studies are needed.  The protein called chitinase is also found in avocado and kiwi fruit.

Bananas originated in Malaysia around 2,000 B.C. and then spread throughout the Philippines and India.  Alexander the Great recorded them being grown in India in 327 B.C.  Today bananas are grown in most tropical and subtropical regions around the world with the main commercial producers located in Central America.  With the development of rapid transportation bananas have become widely available.

To be allergic to banana you body's immune system must be overacting to the banana protein chitinase.  Another cause of the allergy reaction could be due to intolerance to bananas and not a true allergy reaction.  This intolerance could be caused by Vaso-active amines.

Vaso-active amines are histamine like substances that occur naturally in foods and can trigger symptoms that can mimic allergy reactions.  Vaso-active amines are called histamine, phenyl-ethylamine, serotonin, tyramine and dopamine.

Serotonin is found in banana, and the symptom of serotonine ingestion include cramping, flushing of the skin, headache, and heart palpitations.  The severity of the symptoms is dependent on the amount the histamine like substance ingested and the lack of the histamine metabolizing enzyme diamine oxidase in your system.

Most food allergy or food intolerance reactions usually happen within a few minutes to a few hours after eating the bananas.  Most mild to moderate reactions last less than a day and can involve a rash on the skin, cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, runny nose, watery eyes, wheezing and coughing.

For individually that are allergic to banana symptoms may not appear or the symptoms may be to mild to be noticed the first few times bananas are eaten.  Sensitivity can develop over time and can start out very mild and slowly develop into life-threatening allergic reactions.

A cross-reaction is also a very common problem in individuals who are allergic to banana.  If a person suffers from an allergic reaction to the protein in bananas a possibility to being allergic to the same proteins in latex is very high.  Other foods to watch out for cross-reaction with a Banana Allergy are avocado, kiwi and chestnut.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

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