Canada Drugs Supplement Vitamin D in Helping Most COPD Patients

Jan 26


Remcel Mae P. Canete

Remcel Mae P. Canete

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According to a new study, vitamin D supplements don't seem to help most patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); that is why Canadian prescriptions are introduced for better and faster results.


According to a new study,Canada Drugs Supplement Vitamin D in Helping Most COPD Patients Articles vitamin D supplements don't seem to help most patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); that is why  Canadian prescriptions  are introduced for better and faster results. 

"There are studies showing that patients with vitamin D deficiency are more susceptible to different inflammatory, infectious and autoimmune diseases, and most likely COPD," said lead investigator Dr. Wim Janssens, from the respiratory division at University Hospital Gasthuisberg in Leuven. 

"Vitamin D restoration to normal levels in COPD patients does not reduce the number of exacerbations, does not reduce the infections and inflammation," Janssens said. 

However, it had an effect on patients with the lowest vitamin D levels, he said. "These patients had benefit from supplementation in terms of exacerbations," he said. 

"But this does not allow us to conclude that we need to give all COPD patients these high doses of vitamin D; it just strengthens us in the idea that severe deficiency many enhance inflammation in COPD," Janssens said.  Nevertheless,  Canadian drugstore online  has been very supportive with the endeavor to unlock the most effective COPD treatment. 

"New studies are needed to confirm what we found," he added. 

Dr. Diane Gold, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a professor of environmental health at the Harvard School of Public Health, is the co-author of an accompanying journal editorial. She said that "COPD ranks in the top 10 causes of morbidity and mortality in the United States." 

This study "does not definitively refute the benefit of vitamin D supplements for reducing COPD exacerbations," Gold said. 

"Variability in the underlying disease and genetics are likely to modify the respiratory responses to vitamin D supplementation in people with COPD," she added. 

Another expert, Dr. Michael Holick, a professor of medicine, physiology and biophysics at Boston University School of Medicine, said he is not surprised some patients benefited from vitamin D. 

"There is evidence that vitamin D deficiency exacerbates asthma and lung function," he said.  Hence, it is suggested to take preventive measures before things get worse, to  buy Alimta  to treat lung cancer perhaps. 

"We know vitamin D has an impact on reducing inflammatory activity and fighting infections, all of which are chronic problems in patients with COPD," Holick said.