College Is A Blast Until You Get Sick
Student life can be great fun and certainly are the best days of your life for many people. But, having an accident or falling sick at college without adequate medical cover can turn joy into a nightmare very quickly.
For the most part my own days as a college student were an utter blast. For the first time in my life I didn't have to worry about being under the every watchful eye of my parents and could set my own rules for how I lived my life. And,

best of all, I didn't have to worry about a curfew anymore. No more lectures about where I could and couldn't go, what I could and couldn't do and when I had to be home. Freedom at last!I got to choose when I wanted to go to classes and indeed whether or not I wanted to actually attend classes on any given day or simply have a bit of a lie in. Life was great. There were of course a few downsides such as mountains of homework, and having to find enough money to pay the rent and buy such things as groceries and textbooks, but everyone else was in the same boat and so we all managed to work our way through these daily problems together with a mixture or moans and laughter. However, one day my own moans took a serious turn when I has a nasty accident playing football and ended up in the emergency room with a broken arm and a very large medical bill which I had no way of paying. Dad?I had never even thought about health insurance and, when I talked to some of my fellow students, it seems that I was not alone. When you're our age after all, and with everything else that is going on in your life at that time, the last thing that crosses your mind is that you might get sick or have an accident and suddenly need to start paying medical bills for the first time in your life.Today it is estimated that a very substantial proportion of students attending college are not covered under their parent's health insurance plan and have no cover of their own and, while many do of course get away with it, all too many students find that the cost which accompanies illness or accident literally ruins their college career.In many cases larger colleges will have an arrangement with one of the major insurers and will offer their own 'in-house' health insurance cover for students. But, in a lot of colleges this is not the case and students need to make their own arrangements for cover privately. The college may be able to help and point you in the right direction but, if not, then you will need to jump online and find yourself some student health insurance at a cost which you can work into your overall college budget.Whatever the case at your own college the one thing you should not do is simply hope that you can get through college without any form of cover. I was lucky and dad did come to the rescue and was also good enough to help me out with arranging cover for the remainder of my stay at college. But will you be as lucky?