Ginekolog issues faced by women such as kondilomi and the role of ultrazvuk trudnoca.

Aug 17


Muhammad Azeem Ashraf

Muhammad Azeem Ashraf

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Ginekolog is the surgical specialtiy dealing with the health of the female reproductive which includes the uterus, vagina and ovaries.

Ginekolog is the branch of medicine which deals with health care for women,Ginekolog issues faced by women such as kondilomi and the role of ultrazvuk trudnoca. Articles especially the diagnosis and treatment involving the disorders of the reproductive organs. As the advancements in medicine increase, ginekolog these days refers to the health problems of the female related to menstrual disorders, infectious diseases such as kondilomi, maldevelopment of the reproductive organs, disturbances in the sex hormones, tumor formation which may be benign or in some cases malignant, menopause and the use of contraceptive devices. A sub branch of ginekolog deals with infertility. This is called reproductive medicine, which utilizes artificial insemination. A human egg is harvested and fertilized (fusion with sperm) in a test tube and then implanted into the womb. Some gynaecologists practice obsterics as well.

This field is basically the surgical specialty which deals with the health care of women and their children during trudnoca, childbirth and the pueperism. With the onset of trudnoca after conception, the ginekolog state of a woman changes immediately. The body starts secreting a hormone in the urine known as the hCG which stands for human Chorionic Gonadotropin. After the confirmation of trudnoca, the pregnant female chooses a ginekolog specialist and refers to her incase of any problems related to this 37 to 42 week gestation period. In later months, the doctor advises ultrazvuk u trudnoci to keep a check on the health of the baby. Periodic ultra sound dates are set to gauge the positioning of the baby, its health and weight as the weeks progress and the circumference of its head. Many other tests are also carried out during trudnoca, to check for any fetal abnormalities.

These tests include the amniocentesis test that is carried out by obtaining a sample of skin cells of the baby through the amniotic fluid around the baby encased in the baby bag. With the advancements in ultrazvuk u trudnoci, a three dimensional image of the fetus inside can also be obtained. In fact, colored ultrasound techniques during pregnancy are also available now. This technique is better able to demonstrate the condition of the baby inside so the doctor can take necessary steps in case of any problem. Other ginekolog issues faced by women included the sexually transmitted diseases. One of such diseases is the kondilomi, which are genital warts also known as condyloma. Such STDs are transmitted during sexual intercourse.

This is one of the most common sexually transmitted disease in the world this is because the symptoms for kondilomi may not appear for several years on the victim. When the symptoms do appear, they are in the form of small lesions, pink in color and appear in the genetalia, the anal area and internal in the upper vagina. Human Papillomavirus(HPV) is known to cause genital warts. It has been discovered that genital cancers have some link with HPV hence it is always advised to practice safe sex because of the severity of the diseases caused by sexual transmission. Poverty stricken people, minimum health education and promiscuous practices are all leading causes of such diseases.