Hypertension Also Known As The Silent Killer

Aug 9


David Cowley

David Cowley

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Your blood pressure level is basically determined by the quantity of blood your heart pumps and also by the level of resistance to blood flowing in the arteries. The larger the amounts of blood that the heart pumps as well as the narrower the arteries the higher the blood pressure will be.


Some researchers claim that almost one out of three adults living in the United States has high blood pressure also known as hypertension,Hypertension Also Known As The Silent Killer Articles however researchers believe that about one third of the adults that have high blood pressure don’t realize they have it due to a lack of obvious symptoms.  High blood pressure can cause heart attacks, strokes, heart failure as well as kidney failure.  Hypertension is often called the silent killer because people do not realize they have it.  The best way to determine if you have high blood pressure is by checking your blood pressure.

Your blood pressure level is basically determined by the quantity of blood your heart pumps and also by the level of resistance to blood flowing in the arteries.  The larger the amounts of blood that the heart pumps as well as the narrower the arteries the higher the blood pressure will be.

A good starting point for normal blood pressure is 120/80.  The first number represents the systolic pressure.  This is the maximum pressure in your arteries that is created during the contraction of the left ventricle.  The second number represents the diastolic blood pressure.  The diastolic pressure is the measurement of the pressure in the arteries when the heart relaxes.  A sign of high pressure is when the systolic pressure is over 130 or when the diastolic pressure is over 90.  You should contact your health care provider when either of these conditions occurs.

Unless people have their blood pressure checked they might not realize they have hypertension.  Some people who have reached an advanced stage of high blood pressure might experience dizzy spells, or dull types of headaches or nose bleeds.  For the vast majority of people who have been diagnosed with high blood pressure the exact cause is unknown.

About five to ten percent of people who have hypertension have acquired it due to a health condition and it typically happens very quickly.  This type of high blood pressure is known as secondary hypertension and can be caused by tumors located in the adrenal glands, kidney problems and by some types of congenital heart defects.  It can also be caused by cold medicines, birth control pills, prescription medications as well as over the counter types of pain relieving pills.


The chance of getting high blood pressure goes up as people get older and African Americans have a higher risk of acquiring high blood pressure when compared to whites.  Studies have shown that high blood pressure runs in some families.  In order to avoid hypertension, the silent killer do not become overweight and lead an active lifestyle with plenty of exercise.

Inactive Lifestyle

People who live an inactive lifestyle typically have a higher heart rate than active people.  If you have a high heart rate, your heart has to work hard with every contraction it makes and this creates a strong force on the arteries.  Avoid tobacco since it can harm the linings of the artery walls.  To avoid hypertension, the silent killer be careful with the amount of sodium you have in your diet since it can cause excess fluid retention an increase your blood pressure.  If you have hypertension it’s important to seek advice from your doctor.

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