What is a Safety Consultant?

Jun 20


Leighanna Cumbie

Leighanna Cumbie

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Every major construction job or engineering feet in America requires a safety consultant. During a big project like building Military bases, or tearing down old military buildings, a safety consultant is hired to oversee the job. But it isn’t just the military that needs a safety consultant when doing big jobs, large companies use safety consultants and so should every construction company.


Every major construction job or engineering feet in America requires a safety consultant.  During a big project like building Military bases,What is a Safety Consultant? Articles or tearing down old military buildings, a safety consultant is hired to oversee the job.  But it isn’t just the military that needs a safety consultant when doing big jobs, large companies use safety consultants and so should every construction company.

Whether it be for the military or simply for a local construction company safety consultants have a very important job that they are required to do: keep people safe.  It is their responsibility to ensure that every worker on the construction site follow all safety regulations and utilize safety protocol.  It is easy to think that since the military’s job is to protect us, then surely they have no need for a safety consultant, after all they are in the safety business!  While the military is very good at fighting wars and keeping the citizens safe they do not always know all the regulations associated with safe working conditions.

OSHA is an organization that writes regulations and generates laws that companies must adhere to in order to show that they are creating and maintaining a safe working environment for their employees.  It is the job of a consultant to know all the new rules and regulations that OSHA generates each year.  This can become overwhelming sometimes for just an average person; OSHA generates a lot of new regulations and standards each year.

The safety consultant is in the business of safety, so they are constantly reading OSHA guidelines, suggestions and regulations.  This is one of the primary reasons why organizations like the military and large construction companies hire safety consultants.  They are already well versed on the laws of safety and that means that the construction crews and the military crews can focus on getting the job done and not breaking any safety regulations.

It would be easier to just start job and not worry about hiring a safety consultant.  It would be faster to not have to hire an additional person that comes in and seeming tries to tell you how to do your job.  But it isn’t cheaper or more cost efficient to have employees getting hurt or injured on the job.  A safety consultant doesn’t tell you how to do your job, they know that you know how to do your job.  They do want to help you do your job more safely, because they don’t want you to get injured.  If you are about to begin a construction job and you want be certain that you have a safety consultant on staff, click here to find one near you.