Why Seeing the Dentist Is Essential

Dec 2


Aloysius Aucoin

Aloysius Aucoin

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We are all told from an early age that seeing the dentist every six months is important. As it happens, adults are not typically satisfied with simply being told something "should" be done.

We're all told from an early age that seeing the dentist every six months is important. As it happens,Why Seeing the Dentist Is Essential Articles adults aren't typically satisfied with simply being told something "should" be done. We want reasons. As we grow up, we often learn that we were lied to about a great many things by our parents, teachers, and others in authority. This drives us to want to learn more about the reasoning behind certain "shoulds," often learning in the process that there is little to no basis behind the mantra. Is heading into the dental office every six months really necessary, or is it just another one of those things?

Unlike common wives' tales that get repeated because they are easy to remember, the every-six-months rule comes straight from the American Dental Association. But even when it comes from a body of such importance, it leaves the question open as to why it is necessary to visit the dentist so often. Aren't brushing and flossing enough? What reason could there be to get professional teeth cleaning that often, if the at-home items are doing their job?

This is where you need to understand the difference between what hygienists do in the office and what you are able to do at home. The difference is extraordinary. With dental picks, professional grade fluoride, and other specialized equipment, dental hygienists can clean your teeth in a way that would be impossible to do with only a toothbrush and a roll of dental floss. This is to say nothing of the fact that most people don't even use those items to their full potential. The ADA recommends brushing at a minimum of twice daily, with a better plan involving brushing after every meal. Flossing is vastly unpopular, even though it is probably one of the best ways to avoid tooth decay and gum disease.

Another reason visiting the dentist on a regular basis is important is that many serious dental issues don't expose themselves until it is too late. Once you have a toothache or notice bleeding gums, you could have irreversible damage. This will mean the introduction of expensive and sometimes painful dental work. If you go into the dental office regularly, these problems can sometimes be caught before they reach the point of no return. This will give you and the dentist a chance to put the brakes on and throw your oral care into reverse. Without finding these problems early, they could have the chance to grow into full-blown tooth decay, gingivitis, and other serious issues.