So Many Tools for Just One Coleman Air Compressor
There are many air tools that can be operated with a Coleman air compressor. Take a look at the many tools available to make the most of your compressor.
There are many tools that can be run with a Powermate Coleman air compressor. My husband has an air compressor that he uses with a nail gun. It works great and he was very grateful for it when he built our fence a few years ago. But the nail gun is the only air tool that he has,

but recently he saw another air tool in action that made him realize that he needed more! We were over at my in-laws house and they were having their front deck remodeled. Once that was done, the guy was going to stain the deck, a big job if you are using a brush! But he taped everything up (that did take awhile), pulled out an air sprayer and finished a lot quicker than the old, traditional way.
Now, ever since we got married, I have always known that if I don't know what to get my husband for a gift, a tool is always safe. Since he has discovered the power of a coleman air compressor, a whole new line of possibility has opened up for me in the tool gift department.
Here are the main tools that are available to use with you Coleman air compressor:
- Blowguns, and not the type for shooting darts!
- Caulking guns, one of these would have been really nice when we replaced the windshield on our truck!
- Chipping tools
- Corrugated fastening tools
- Cutting tools for metal, glass, concrete, asphalt, backer board etc.
- Drills - this is a must have for most anybody, so many uses I don't know where to begin. Also, with a drill, you can forego a separate air screwdriver.
- Grease gun for applying lubricants.
- Grinding tools - good for metal and auto work.
- Hammers are great for auto and body shop work, as well as scraping rust and paint.
- Impact wrenches and drivers, many different sizes, you get high torque output with little effort by the user, both twisting and hammering. Great for automotive and industrial workers, not really needed for my woodworking hubby.
- Nailer (includes brad, coil, finish, palm, stick and T-nailers) - a must have for any DIY guy. Great to have around for framing, fencing, decking, siding etc. This is the single Coleman air compressors tool that we do have and I am not sure what type of nailer it is, we all call it a ka-chinker because of the sound it makes.
- Polishers, ranging from stone to tire buffers.
- Punches, a must if you are into metal working.
- Ratchets for all your nuts and bolts.
- Sanders - being a woodworker, many possibilities in this category. Including orbital, belt, jitterbug, pistol, triangle and angle sanders. And though all types are not needed, they each do have their special uses and most woodworkers need more than one to go with their Coleman air compressor.
- Screwdrivers, a must have no matter what you use tools for most often.
- Spraying tools, great for stain and paint. As mentioned above, much quicker than the traditional brush.
- Staple gun, one of these would have been really nice when we recovered our dining room chairs in leather.
- Texture sprayer for texturing drywall on walls and ceiling.
So, if you have a Coleman air compressor, get the full use out of it by expanding your air tools, you will be glad you did because it will make your work easier, quicker and more enjoyable.