... an idea worth working for? A case ... 1. Does this problem sound
Got an idea worth working for? A case study.
1. Does this problem sound familiar?
2. Have you ever been to a sales "shoot out?"
3. Is this an idea worth working for?
4. But, will I lose this client?
5. Did we do what customers wanted?
6. It all began with that idea worth working for.
As I've said before, businesses don't work by themselves;
people work. And the thing that makes people work is an
idea worth working for.
Here's how this principle worked for my client and me.
1. Does this problem sound familiar?
I arrive for my appointment with Carole, a product-marketing
specialist who works for their VP of Marketing. In the lobby,
we have a brief meeting where she explains the situation.
"Our 800 number is ringing off the hook! We can't handle
all the customer's questions and complaints. We cover
everything in our product manuals, but our customers
refuse to read them."
"Why won't they read them?" I ask.
"Our manuals were written by programmers and engineers.
Our customers are radiologists and physicians and they
refuse to read them!"
"Well, I'm sure I could..."
"Wait, there's more. We're designing our new 'flagship'
ultrasound imaging system, and we don't want to make
the same mistakes again."
I say, "Good idea! It's always best to develop documentation
as you develop the system."
"I agree," said Carole. "Our last effort was a hasty,
last minute compromise - after we had already built the
system. Now, we're paying the price. This time we're
going to do it right. Let's go meet Greg, my boss."
2. Have you ever been to a sales "shoot-out?"
We take the elevator to the second floor, where Carole gives
me a brief tour of the systems development area. She then
escorts me to Greg's plush corner office with its view of
Silicon Valley and south to Los Gatos. Carol introduces me
to Greg, then tells him about our prior phone conversations
and today's brief meeting.
After some cordial conversation, I ask Greg, "Can you tell
me a little about your typical sales cycle?"
"Why? I thought you were a technical writer."
"Actually, I've spent a few years in sales and I'm well
aware of the need for good documentation when selling. Maybe
we can write the documentation to help you sell more systems.
I assume you'd be interested in that."
"Hmmm..." he said. I could tell he was skeptical. "Well,
OK. We take part in what we call a 'vendor shoot-out.'
"Our shoot-out is the most important part of getting
the order - if we don't ace the shoot-out; we don't get
the sale.
"A shoot-out occurs when all competing vendors bring
their equipment to a specific room in a hospital or
clinic. In the room, there will be a real (or pretend)
patient. We vendors then gather around the 'patient'
to demonstrate our equipment to physician and
"Brutal!" I exclaimed. "Exactly how does that work?"
"The vendor's technicians take turns showing the
physicians and radiologists how their system works with
the patient..."
I interrupt with a question; "Do the physicians and
radiologists get to 'test drive' the system?"
"Oh, no! The systems are so complicated that we must
use experienced computer technicians for
"Are these technicians the same programmers or engineers who
developed the system?"
"Yes. Unfortunately, they must be there to handle the
inevitable problems and crashes."
"So, when do the physicians or radiologists get to try the
"They don't. No vendor is willing to take that risk
because of the possibility of a crash!"
3. Is this an idea worth working for?
I ask, "Suppose you wanted to buy a new car and the salesman
would only let a mechanic take you for a demonstration
drive. Would you buy a car that you couldn't drive your
"No, but this is different. After they buy a system,
the winning vendor will give extensive training to the
buyer's technicians who will run the equipment."
I respond, "OK, what if your new system were so simple to
use that physicians and radiologists could demonstrate it
to themselves? Would that be an advantage in selling?"
"Wow! Of course! But, I don't see how..."
"Let's not worry about how now, but let's set this as a
goal: 'A system so simple that even a doctor can use it!'"
"Wait," he said, "I'm not convinced you're the one to
do this job. Truthfully, we're looking for a
radiologist who's familiar with ultrasound technology,
someone that has worked with doctors, hospitals, and
"I feel that only a radiologist could write
documentation for our exotic new system. We'll keep
you in mind..."
4. But, will I lose this client?
I say, "I understand your concern. May I speak frankly?
"Carole mentioned that you have many radiologists working
here. Yet, your company delivers documentation that doesn't
serve your customers.
"Your 800# is ringing off the hook with needless questions
and complaints... You don't need a radiologist to write
your documentation; you need an expert high-tech writer.
"As I've told Carole, I have experience in biomedical
applications. Tell you what. Let me show you what I can do
in just two weeks. If you're not satisfied with what I
produce, it won't cost you a penny."
"But, but I don't see how..."
"Let me worry about how. Do we have a deal?"
I stand there silently waiting for his response. I'm thinking
I've really blown it! I've insulted his employee-radiologists
and doctors in general.
I watch him agonize over his decision. I can't stand the
silence, but I keep my mouth shut. Carole smiles, but I'm
sure she's wondering now...
...Finally, he says, "OK, I'll give you two weeks. I
guess we have nothing to lose."
5. Did we do what customers wanted?
I began interviewing designers, radiologists, and a few of
their customers. I discovered nothing "wrong" with the old
system. It did what it was designed to do.
But, intricate complexities required users to endure
extensive training. Plus, THE DOCUMENTATION HELPED
Thus, customers were totally dependent on service
engineers and expensive customer training.
To marketing, I promoted the idea that the new system
should be designed from the outside-in by USERS -- not
from the inside-out by engineers.
This was a switch. Formerly, they had to market
whatever engineers created.
We immediately conducted brainstorming sessions with
customers andpotential customers. We quickly discovered
what USERS wanted, which had a positive impact on design
I was surprised when they decided to use the motto,
"So simple that even a doctor can use it!" Of course,
we used our motto only in-house. But, it gave us all
an "idea worth working for."
Everyone knew that most doctors would seldom operate the
system because they employ radiologists to do that. All
doctors want is the data (images) for analysis.
However, we knew that doctors had strong buying
influence... and if they could get a "hands-on" demo
during the "shoot-out," they would be more likely to
buy it.
Plus, we found that doctors loved the fact that we were
thinking of them.
In 2 weeks, we developed tremendous inertia and excitement.
Over the next several months, we had frequent meetings with
product designers and medical professionals. We brainstormed
ideas for the user interface, and how the documentation
might streamline user learning.
As I documented the system, I tried all the emerging
features as a "dumb user." Hence, I found many bugs and
discovered ways to streamline and simplify the user
Sure, the programmers and engineers resisted changing
the hardware and software. Yes, we worked long hours.
Yes, the Configuration Control Board had to approve
the system and my documentation. And finally,
everything had to be FDA approved.
But, we met the delivery date with a system "so simple
that even a doctor can use it."
It all began with that idea worth working for.
Businesses don't work by themselves; people work. And the
thing that makes people work is AN IDEA WORTH WORKING FOR.
Best Regards,
Mike Hayden
Your partner in streamlining business.
©2004 Mike Hayden
The Ultimate Career Builder
THE ULTIMATE CAREER ... full color web version ... week, I ... "Success is no ... message was that accordiSuccess is no accident.
Success is no accident. Success leaves clues. You can createsuccess on purpose.Can you create a company (or department) to fulfill your purpose?
I take part in a forum, a sort of Master Mind group ofbusiness people in several countries. In a recentteleconference, a well-known business consultant said, "Small businesses fall apart when it comes to strategy."