Are you ready for an exciting new way to generate fresh leads and sales online?
If you've been an Internet marketer for any length of time you’ve probably heard "the money’s in the list". Build a list of hungry prospects and watch the money roll in any time you have a new product or service to promote. It sounds easy doesn't it?
But building a list of prospects isn’t quite as easy as it sounds. That means having all the right elements are key to building a good quality responsive list. What are those elements?
First you need a good domain name. By good I mean something that is relevant to what you are promoting. For instance if you are giving away free reports you might want a domain name like This domain name hones in on your main keyword.
Second you will need to pick a niche you want to market too. It’s best if you pick something you're passionate about. Or pick something you might know quite a bit about. Your prospective customers will be able to sense the enthusiasm you have for what you are promoting.
Third you will need a web hosting account. There are a lot of great hosts out there for your web site. You won't need a large account, just something to get you started. Smaller accounts generally run in the five to six dollar range per month. You can always upgrade as your business grows.
Fourth you will need to design your web site. Keep it simple. This is just going to be what’s called a "squeeze page". This is the best type of page to build your list with. The most important part of your squeeze page will be your ad copy. You’ll want a good strong headline, some bullet points highlighting the benefits, and a call to action. Again make sure to hone in on your main key word.
Fifth you will want something of value to give away to entice your potential prospect to opt-in to your list. This will help your conversion rate immensely. There are plenty of freebies to be had online today.
Sixth you will need an autoresponder so when your prospect signs up you can automatically start sending them emails to promote your products. The autoresponder takes the drudgery out of having to do this by hand. This can be very time consuming, especially when your list starts getting very large.
Seventh you will want to build a good relationship with your prospects by offering them valuable information for free form time to time. This will show them you are a person who isn't just out after there money.
Those are seven solid steps to get you on your way to building a large profitable list. There are many people before you who have successfully sold millions of dollars worth of products with their list. You can continue to grow your list and also continue to send out new offers of which a portion will respond to. It’s almost like printing free money.