The International Cat Association: A Global Hub for Feline Excellence

Mar 21


Angela Tempest

Angela Tempest

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The International Cat Association (TICA) stands as a global authority on cats, boasting one of the world's most extensive genetic cat registries. With a presence on every continent where cats are cherished as companions, TICA not only celebrates purebred felines but also embraces non-pedigree and rescue cats. This organization is at the forefront of cat shows, offering a platform for feline aficionados to showcase their beloved pets.


A Brief History of TICA

Founded on June 22,The International Cat Association: A Global Hub for Feline Excellence Articles 1979, in Branson, Missouri, TICA's mission was to establish the most progressive and innovative cat registry on the planet. Their inaugural show, "A Midsummer Night’s Dream," took place on July 28, 1979, in Fort Lewis, Washington. Canada's first TICA show followed shortly after, hosted by the White Hatters Cat Fanciers on October 7, 1979, in Red Deer, Alberta. TICA's international expansion began with Japan, where the first show outside North America was held in Nagoya on March 2, 1980. Today, TICA's reach extends to over 50 member states across the globe, including regions in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.

TICA's Role in the Cat Community

TICA currently recognizes 55 breeds for championship competition, ranging from time-honored breeds like the Siamese and Persian to newer breeds such as the Savannah and Thai. Beyond pedigree cats, TICA operates the world's largest registry for household pet cats, encompassing those adopted from shelters and rescued from the streets.

Headquartered in Harlingen, Texas, TICA manages an advanced computerized database and provides a toll-free telephone service for show information in the US and Canada. The association supplies judges for worldwide shows and hosts its own events. Additionally, TICA runs a comprehensive educational platform through its University, offering extensive courses and information on feline care and management.

Championship Breeds Recognized by TICA

TICA's championship status is granted to a diverse array of breeds, each with its unique characteristics and standards. The following is a list of breeds recognized for TICA championship status:

  • A – Abyssinian, American Bobtail, American Curl, American Shorthair, American Wirehair
  • B – Balinese, Bengal, Birman, Bombay, British Longhair, British Shorthair, Burmese
  • C – Chartreux, Chausie, Cornish Rex, Cymric
  • D – Devon Rex
  • E – Egyptian Mau, Exotic Shorthair
  • H – Havana Brown, Himalayan
  • J – Japanese Bobtail
  • K – Korat, Kurilian Bobtail
  • L – LaPerm
  • M – Maine Coon, Manx, Munchkin
  • N – Nebelung, Norwegian Forest Cat
  • O – Ocicat, Oriental Longhair, Oriental Shorthair
  • P – Persian, Peterbald, Pixiebob
  • R – Ragdoll, Russian Blue
  • S – Savannah, Scottish Fold, Selkirk Rex, Siamese, Siberian, Singapura, Snowshoe, Somali, Sphynx
  • T – Thai, Tonkinese, Toyger, Turkish Angora, Turkish Van

Advanced New Breeds

TICA also recognizes several advanced new breeds, which include:

  • Australian Mist
  • Burmilla
  • Khao Manee
  • Napoleon
  • Serengeti

Preliminary New Breeds

The following breeds are in the preliminary stages of recognition:

  • Donskoy
  • Highlander
  • Minskin
  • Ojos Azules
  • Sokokoewe

TICA's Online Presence

TICA's website serves as a comprehensive resource for cat enthusiasts. It provides detailed information on show standards for each breed, allowing owners to determine if their cat meets the criteria for show quality. The site also offers regional information, breeder directories, and a wealth of knowledge applicable to both pedigree and household pet cats.

Interesting Stats and Facts

While TICA's extensive breed recognition is well-known, some lesser-discussed statistics include the growth of household pet registrations. According to TICA, there has been a significant increase in the registration of non-pedigree cats, reflecting a broader acceptance and celebration of all cats within the cat fancy community. Additionally, TICA's educational programs have seen a surge in participation, with their online courses and resources being accessed by cat owners worldwide, emphasizing the importance of informed and responsible pet ownership.

In conclusion, The International Cat Association is a testament to the love and dedication people have for their feline friends. It continues to set the standard for cat registries and shows, fostering a global community that values the beauty and diversity of cats in all their forms.