Top 8 Python Web Development Frameworks of 2024

Nov 26


Damian Bourne

Damian Bourne

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If you're a web developer looking to enhance your Python skills, you're in luck! Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, with a 28% market share.


From full-stack frameworks to lightweight options,Top 8 Python Web Development Frameworks of 2024 Articles these frameworks offer a wide range of features and tools to help you create powerful web applications.

When it comes to web development, having the right framework can make all the difference. 

Whether you're building a small-scale project or a large-scale application, these top Python frameworks have got you covered. 

Let's dive in and discover the best options for your next web development venture.

1. Django

Django is a powerful and widely used Python web framework that simplifies the development of complex web applications. 

With Django, you can quickly build scalable and secure web applications by leveraging its built-in features and robust ecosystem.

One of the key advantages of Django is its URL pattern definition, which allows developers to easily map URLs to views and functions. 

This makes it easier to organize and maintain the codebase, resulting in cleaner and more readable code.

Add to that, Django also offers a built-in authentication system, which provides secure user authentication and authorization out of the box. 

This saves developers time and effort by handling common authentication tasks, such as user registration, login, and password reset.

Key Features of Django:

  • URL pattern definition for easy mapping of URLs to views
  • Built-in authentication system for secure user authentication
  • Object-oriented programming language support for efficient database management
  • Template system for easy rendering of dynamic web pages
  • Admin interface for quick and easy management of content

With its extensive documentation and thriving community, Django provides developers with a wealth of resources and support

Whether you're building a simple blog or a complex web application, Django's versatility and scalability make it an excellent choice for Python web development.

Framework Key Features Popularity
Django URL pattern definition, built-in authentication system, object-oriented programming language support, template system, admin interface High
CherryPy Rapid development, stable and minimalistic framework, supports various HTTP servers, built-in tools for encoding, sessions, caching, etc. Medium
Pyramid Flexible and minimalist framework, URL mapping, HTML structure validation, comprehensive templating, flexible authentication and authorization Medium

2. CherryPy: A Minimalistic Python Web Development Framework

When it comes to Python web development frameworks, CherryPy stands out as a rapid, stable, and minimalistic option. 

It offers developers a lightweight framework that prioritizes simplicity and efficiency. 

While other frameworks may come with a steep learning curve and numerous dependencies, CherryPy keeps things straightforward, making it an excellent choice for small-scale projects or those seeking a more agile development process.

One of the key advantages of CherryPy is its support for various HTTP servers, ensuring compatibility and flexibility across different platforms. 

This allows developers to choose the server that best suits their needs, whether it's Apache, Nginx, or any other server that supports Python. 

With CherryPy, you can focus on building your web application without worrying about server compatibility or performance issues.

Key Features of CherryPy

  • Minimalistic Approach: CherryPy's design philosophy revolves around simplicity and purity, making it easy to understand and use.
  • Built-in Tools: The framework provides essential tools for encoding, sessions, caching, and more, reducing the need for external libraries.
  • Multiple Platform Support: CherryPy runs on multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, and various Unix-based systems, ensuring compatibility with your preferred development environment.
  • Flexibility: With its minimalistic nature, CherryPy allows developers to customize and extend the framework according to their specific project requirements.

Whether you're a seasoned developer looking for a lightweight framework or a beginner aiming to quickly prototype a web application, CherryPy offers the necessary tools and simplicity to bring your ideas to life. 

Its stability, rapid development capabilities, and minimalistic approach make it a valuable asset in the realm of Python web development.

3. Pyramid: A Flexible Python Web Development Framework

When it comes to Python web development frameworks, Pyramid stands out as a highly flexible and powerful option. 

Used by tech giants like Mozilla and Yelp, Pyramid offers developers a robust set of tools and features, making it an ideal choice for building web applications.

One of the key strengths of Pyramid is its URL mapping capabilities, allowing developers to easily define and manage complex URL routes. 

This makes it easier to structure and organize web applications, enhancing overall code readability and maintainability.

Pyramid also offers comprehensive support for HTML structure validation, ensuring that your web application adheres to best practices and standards. 

Additionally, Pyramid provides a flexible authentication and authorization system, allowing you to easily implement user authentication and access control mechanisms.

Key Features of Pyramid:

  • Flexible URL mapping for managing complex routes
  • HTML structure validation for adherence to best practices
  • Comprehensive templating for efficient web development
  • Flexible authentication and authorization system

Overall, Pyramid provides developers with a flexible and reliable framework for Python web development. 

Its extensive feature set and support from major companies make it a popular choice for building dynamic and scalable web applications.

4. Grok: A Powerful Python Web Framework Built on the Zope Toolkit

Grok is a robust and feature-rich Python web framework that is built on the Zope toolkit. 

It follows the principles of convention over configuration and doesn't repeat yourself (DRY), making it an excellent choice for developers who prioritize efficiency and simplicity. 

Grok provides a powerful foundation for developing web applications, with built-in features that enhance security, modularity, and scalability.

One of the key advantages of Grok is its integration with the Zope toolkit, a collection of reusable components and libraries for building enterprise-level applications. 

This integration enables Grok to leverage the advanced features and capabilities of the Zope ecosystem, making it a powerful framework for complex web development projects.

Key Features of Grok:

  • Convention over configuration: Grok follows a set of predefined conventions that allows developers to focus on application logic rather than configuration details.
  • Robust object database: Grok includes an object-oriented database called ZODB, which offers easy and efficient storage and retrieval of Python objects.
  • Integrated data security: Grok provides built-in mechanisms for implementing role-based access control and ensuring data integrity and confidentiality.
  • Modular architecture: Grok promotes modular development by encouraging the creation of reusable components, making it easier to maintain and extend applications.

With its emphasis on simplicity, scalability, and integration with the Zope toolkit, Grok is a valuable framework for developers looking to build powerful and efficient web applications. 

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced Python developer, Grok provides the tools and resources to streamline your development process and deliver high-quality web solutions.

Framework Key Features
Grok Convention over configuration, robust object database, integrated data security, modular architecture
Django URL pattern definition, built-in authentication system, object-oriented database
CherryPy Rapid and minimalistic framework, support for various HTTP servers, built-in tools for encoding, caching
Pyramid Flexible framework, URL mapping, comprehensive templating, flexible authentication and authorization
TurboGears Full-stack framework, multi-database support, accessible command-line tools, MVC architecture

5. TurboGears: A Full-Stack Python Web Framework

TurboGears is a powerful and versatile Python web framework that offers developers a comprehensive set of tools and features for building full-stack web applications. 

With TurboGears, you can leverage the strength and flexibility of Python to create robust and efficient web solutions.

One of the key advantages of TurboGears is its full-stack capability. This means that TurboGears provides all the components required to develop both the front-end and back-end of a web application. 

From handling HTTP requests and managing databases to rendering dynamic web pages and implementing user authentication, TurboGears has got you covered.

With TurboGears, you can take advantage of its built-in support for multiple databases. 

Whether you prefer PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, or any other popular database system, TurboGears easily integrates with them, allowing you to work with the database of your choice.

Key Features of TurboGears:

  • Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture for clean separation of concerns
  • Support for multiple databases, making it flexible and adaptable
  • Accessible command-line tools for efficient development
  • Integrated testing framework for ensuring the quality and reliability of your code
  • Template engine integration for creating dynamic and visually appealing web pages
Framework Website GitHub Stars
TurboGears 1,500+
Django 60,000+
Flask 53,000+

As seen in the table above, TurboGears has garnered over 1,500 GitHub stars, indicating its popularity and the trust developers have in its capabilities. Its feature-rich nature and focus on full-stack development make it a preferred choice among Python developers.

So, if you're looking for a Python web framework that provides a complete set of tools for building full-stack web applications, TurboGears is definitely worth considering. 

Its versatility, ease of use, and extensive documentation make it a valuable asset for developers of all levels of expertise.

6. Web2Py: A Cross-Platform Python Web Framework

Web2Py is a powerful cross-platform Python web framework that simplifies the process of developing web applications. 

Offering a multitude of features and a user-friendly interface, Web2Py is a popular choice among developers for its flexibility and ease of use.

One of the key advantages of Web2Py is its cross-platform compatibility. 

Whether you are developing on Windows, macOS, or Linux, Web2Py ensures that your web application will run seamlessly across different environments. 

This allows developers to focus on writing code rather than worrying about compatibility issues.

Another notable feature of Web2Py is its built-in web-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE), which provides a comprehensive set of tools for managing and debugging your web applications. 

The IDE includes features like code highlighting, an interactive debugger, and a powerful web-based administration interface, making development tasks more efficient and streamlined.

Simplifying Database Management

Web2Py also offers a built-in database abstraction layer, which simplifies the process of managing databases. 

The framework supports multiple database backends, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and more. With Web2Py, developers can easily create database models, perform queries, and handle database migrations without the need for complex SQL statements.

Enhanced Security Features

Security is a top priority in web development, and Web2Py provides several built-in security features to protect your web applications. 

The framework includes features like input validation, cross-site scripting (XSS) protection, and prevention of common security vulnerabilities. 

These security measures help ensure that your web applications are robust and protected against potential threats.

With its cross-platform compatibility, intuitive user interface, and powerful features, Web2Py is a reliable choice for developers looking to build cross-platform web applications with ease.

Key Features of Web2Py Description
Cross-platform compatibility Run your web applications seamlessly across different operating systems.
Built-in web-based IDE Access a comprehensive set of tools for managing and debugging your web applications.
Database abstraction layer Simplify database management with support for multiple database backends.
Enhanced security features Protect your web applications with built-in security measures.

7. Flask - A Lightweight Python Web Framework

Flask is a popular lightweight Python web framework that provides developers with a simple and flexible way to build web applications. 

With its minimalist design, Flask allows you to focus on the essentials without unnecessary overhead. 

It is an excellent choice for small to medium-sized projects where simplicity and efficiency are paramount.

One of the key features of Flask is its built-in development server and debugger, which makes it easy to test and debug your application during the development process. 

This feature saves you time and effort by providing a seamless workflow for spotting and fixing errors. 

Additionally, Flask supports RESTful request dispatching, allowing you to build APIs and handle various HTTP methods with ease.

Integration with Jinja2 templating is another advantage of using Flask. 

Jinja2 is a powerful and widely used templating engine that allows you to create dynamic and reusable HTML templates. 

By combining Flask with Jinja2, you can easily separate your application logic from the presentation layer, making your code more maintainable and organized.

Key Features of Flask

  • Lightweight and minimalist design
  • Built-in development server and debugger
  • RESTful request dispatching
  • Integration with Jinja2 templating

Overall, Flask provides a fantastic framework for developers looking for a lightweight and efficient solution for their web development needs. 

Its simplicity, flexibility, and integration capabilities make it a go-to choice for many Python developers.

8. Bottle: A Lightweight Python Web Framework for Small-Scale Projects

If you're looking for a lightweight Python web framework that is perfect for small-scale projects, then Bottle is the answer. 

With its minimal dependencies and simple yet powerful features, Bottle allows you to quickly build and deploy web applications with ease.

One of the standout features of Bottle is its clean and dynamic URL routing system. 

You can easily define your routes using intuitive syntax, making it a breeze to handle different types of requests. 

Whether you're serving static files, handling form submissions, or implementing RESTful APIs, Bottle has got you covered.

In addition to its routing capabilities, Bottle also comes with a built-in template engine that allows you to create dynamic web pages effortlessly. 

The template engine is designed to be quick and Pythonic, making it easy to generate HTML content with the data from your application.

Key Features of Bottle:

  • Minimalistic and lightweight: Bottle has minimal dependencies and a small codebase, making it ideal for small projects where performance and simplicity are priorities.
  • URL routing: With Bottle, you can easily define your URL routes and handle different types of requests, making it flexible and adaptable to various use cases.
  • Built-in template engine: Bottle includes a powerful template engine that allows you to generate dynamic content for your web pages.
  • Extensible: Although Bottle is a small-scale framework, it is highly extensible. You can easily add plugins and extensions to enhance its functionality.

If you're a developer working on small-scale projects and looking for a Python web framework that strikes the perfect balance between simplicity and functionality, Bottle is the framework for you. Its minimalistic design, clean URL routing, and built-in template engine make it a powerful tool for quickly building and deploying web applications. 

Give Bottle a try and experience the speed and flexibility it brings to your development workflow.


In conclusion, these top 8 Python web development frameworks offer a diverse range of options for you to build robust and efficient web applications. 

Whether you're looking for a full-stack framework like TurboGears or a lightweight framework like Flask, these frameworks provide the necessary tools and features to enhance your web development experience.

Python Web Development Frameworks are in high demand due to Python's popularity as one of the most widely used programming languages globally. 

These frameworks, such as Django, CherryPy, Pyramid, Grok, TurboGears, Web2Py, Flask, and Bottle, empower developers to create web applications with ease.

By leveraging the features and functionalities of these Python web frameworks, you can streamline your development process, optimize performance, and ensure scalability. 

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, exploring these frameworks can help you stay ahead in the competitive field of web development.

So, if you're looking to dive into Python web development or level up your existing skills, consider exploring these top Python frameworks. 

With their extensive documentation, active communities, and continuous advancements, these frameworks will continue to play a significant role in shaping the future of web development.


What is Django?

Django is a free, open-source Python framework that allows developers to quickly build complex web applications.

What is CherryPy?

CherryPy is a rapid, stable, and minimalistic Python web development framework.

What is Pyramid?

Pyramid is a flexible and minimalist Python web development framework.

What is Grok?

Grok is a web framework based on the Zope toolkit and focuses on convention over configuration and DRY principles.

What is TurboGears?

TurboGears is a full-stack Python web application framework that aims to overcome the limitations of other frameworks.

What is Web2Py?

Web2Py is a cross-platform Python web framework with a focus on rapid web development.

What is Flask?

Flask is a lightweight Python web framework inspired by the Sinatra Ruby framework.

What is Bottle?

Bottle is a small-scale Python web framework with minimal dependencies.