Auras Read

Feb 13


Rachel Saxon

Rachel Saxon

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The aura of a person is described as being a luminous radiation coming from a person and encircling them around.


The aura of a person is described as being a luminous radiation coming from a person and encircling them. There are people who have the power to visually see the aura that surrounds other people and to interpret what the colors of the aura means to that person.

Often when you see pictures that have been painted of religious leaders the painting will have a depiction of a glowing aura surrounding the person. Many religious faiths believe in the existence of auras and this includes the Christian faith and churches.

In the Indian spirituality the ability to perceive another person’s aura is part of the seeing with the third eye. It is believed that not only humans project an aura but all living things have this radiating light around us.

There are some that believe the aura that surrounds a person changes when the person has evil thoughts or has committed evil deeds. There are other believers that believe the aura surrounding you does change colors but it is due to illness in your body and not to the thoughts you are having.

The psychics that read auras are gifted people who have the ability to sense and perceive things that the rest of us do not have. Generally these individuals were born with this ability and for some of them it takes many years before they truly understand what they are seeing and why they see it.

A psychic or a medium are very sensitive people who are born with the ability to use more of their senses than the average person uses. Some say that we are all capable of training ourselves to receive the messages from these sensory perceptions by meditating and reaching a heightened state of awareness.

When a psychic individual reads an aura they see a glowing halo that surrounds the individual. These halos of light are in different colors and sometimes they are thin and sometimes they are boldly circling the individual. The psychic has the power of perception to see what color is surrounding you and to see if the aura that is yours has begun to fade or grow thin.

Each color carries a different meaning just as each card in a deck of tarot or Angel cards has a different meaning. The meanings of the colors also change when the definition of the aura changes. If the light is thin in places and growing dim or if it is glowing very brightly these changes mean something to the psychic and they can explain to you what is happening or is about to happen in your life according to this light. The individuals who perform these readings are extremely intuitive and they are very perceptive.