How to Avoid Illegal Locksmiths

May 23


Sameen Shaukat

Sameen Shaukat

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Illegal locksmiths have become a significant issue across the United States, causing numerous problems for unsuspecting individuals. These fraudulent locksmiths often use deceptive tactics, such as placing hard-to-remove stickers on private property and using fake addresses and phone numbers to avoid detection. This article will provide you with essential tips and information to help you identify and avoid illegal locksmiths.


Illegal locksmiths are a growing problem in the United States,How to Avoid Illegal Locksmiths Articles using deceptive tactics to scam unsuspecting individuals. This article provides essential tips and information to help you identify and avoid these fraudulent locksmiths. Learn how to verify a locksmith's credentials, understand the risks involved, and protect yourself from potential scams.

The Rise of Illegal Locksmiths

Illegal locksmiths have become increasingly prevalent in various parts of the United States. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), these scammers often use fake business names and phone numbers to avoid detection. They may also place hard-to-remove stickers on private property, making it difficult for property owners to remove them.

Common Tactics Used by Illegal Locksmiths

  1. Fake Addresses and Phone Numbers: Illegal locksmiths often use fake addresses and phone numbers to avoid being traced. This makes it challenging for authorities to catch them.
  2. Multiple Business Names: These scammers frequently operate under different business names to avoid detection. They may also place ads in directories like the Yellow Pages with fake phone numbers.
  3. Unlicensed Operations: Many illegal locksmiths operate without a valid license, making it difficult for consumers to verify their credentials.

How to Identify a Legitimate Locksmith

To avoid falling victim to an illegal locksmith, it's essential to verify their credentials. Here are some steps you can take:

Verify the Locksmith's License

  1. Check for a License Number: A legitimate locksmith should have a valid license number. This number should be displayed on their advertisements, business cards, and website.
  2. Verify the License: Contact your local licensing authority to verify the locksmith's license. You can also check online databases to ensure the license is valid.

Ask for Identification

  1. Request ID: A professional locksmith should be able to provide identification, including a business card and a photo ID.
  2. Check the Company Name: Ensure the company name on the ID matches the name on the business card and any advertisements.

Research the Locksmith

  1. Read Reviews: Look for online reviews and ratings from previous customers. Websites like Yelp and Google Reviews can provide valuable insights into the locksmith's reputation.
  2. Check for Complaints: Visit the Better Business Bureau (BBB) website to check for any complaints against the locksmith.

The Risks of Hiring an Illegal Locksmith

Hiring an illegal locksmith can have serious consequences. These scammers may have access to your home, keys, and security codes, putting your safety at risk. Additionally, they may overcharge for their services or cause damage to your property.

Potential Consequences

  1. Security Risks: Illegal locksmiths may have access to your home and security codes, putting your safety at risk.
  2. Financial Loss: These scammers may overcharge for their services or demand payment upfront without completing the job.
  3. Property Damage: Unlicensed locksmiths may lack the necessary skills and tools, causing damage to your property.

Protecting Yourself from Illegal Locksmiths

To protect yourself from illegal locksmiths, follow these tips:

Verify Credentials

  1. Check for a License: Always verify the locksmith's license before hiring them.
  2. Ask for ID: Request identification and ensure the company name matches the one on their business card and advertisements.

Research the Locksmith

  1. Read Reviews: Look for online reviews and ratings from previous customers.
  2. Check for Complaints: Visit the BBB website to check for any complaints against the locksmith.

Be Cautious

  1. Avoid Upfront Payments: Do not pay upfront for services. A legitimate locksmith will not demand payment before completing the job.
  2. Get a Written Estimate: Request a written estimate before the locksmith begins work. This can help prevent unexpected charges.


Illegal locksmiths pose a significant threat to consumers across the United States. By verifying credentials, researching the locksmith, and being cautious, you can protect yourself from these scammers. Always ensure the locksmith you hire is licensed and reputable to avoid potential security risks and financial loss.

For more information on how to protect yourself from illegal locksmiths, visit the Federal Trade Commission's website.

Interesting Stats

  • According to the FTC, complaints about locksmith scams have increased by 75% over the past five years (source).
  • A survey by the Associated Locksmiths of America (ALOA) found that 85% of consumers are unaware of the risks associated with hiring an unlicensed locksmith (source).

By staying informed and vigilant, you can avoid falling victim to illegal locksmiths and ensure your safety and security.