Ajowan oil Benefits
Ajowan oil has many benefits; it is widely used in different industries like personal care, aromatherapy, healthcare, food, and beverage. This oil is safe for use as it is pure & herbal. It is extracted from the flowers, leaves, shoots, roots & more. It has therapeutic properties like sedative anti-microbial, antibacterial, antidepressant, analgesic, antispasmodic & more.
This oil is used for healing wounds,
digestion problems, insomnia, skin, hair & respiratory disorders. It is used for flavors in food items.
Therapeutic & Extraction Properties of Ajowan Oil:
It is native to India; it is used in cooking. This oil is extracted by the steam distillation method from the crushed seeds of the ajwain.
Anti-nausea, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic, antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial are the therapeutic properties. It is used in home remedies.
- Aids Digestion: This oil has the carminative property that’s why it is best for digestive problems. It can be taken with pinch of salt with warm water, in this way it helps in indigestion & stomach related problems.
- Treats respiratory problems: It is best for respiratory problems like asthma, congestion, blocked nose & cold. It is very effective for treating nasal congestion. It improves the immune system & seasonal infections like flu & cold.
- Ajowan Oil for hair: It has amazing health benefits; it is known as the “hub of remedies”. It soothes hair & strengthens the hair. It prevents hair loss & greying of hair. It keeps your hair young & nourished.
- Relieves pain: It relieves the pain; it is a very good pain killer as it treats earaches, joint pain & muscle pain. It also relieves rheumatic pain.
- For bacterial infection: It is a natural remedy for bacterial & fungal infection. It stops the growth of bacteria & infections. It is the best immune-boosting oil.
- Treats fungal infection: It has antifungal properties that are good for preventing fungal growth & infections that are caused by yeasts & molds.
For more info: https://www.pureoilsindia.com/product/ajwain-oil/
Or https://www.pureoilsindia.com