If you owe a lot of money to the credit card companies that you cannot pay right now, you may consider turning to the internet. Online, you will find ...
If you owe a lot of money to the credit card companies that you cannot pay right now, you may consider turning to the internet. Online, you will find a number of debt relief services. These services can provide you with credit counseling and advice, they can get you enrolled in a debt settlement program to reduce the amount you owe, and they can get your bills consolidated into a more doable loan. Sounds great doesn't it. However, you want to ensure that you do business with a debt relief program that is legitimate and proven. How can you make sure this happens?
The Better Business Bureau:
If you are looking to determine if a debt relief company you like is legitimate, your best option is to visit the Better Business Bureau website. This website enables you to search for a company by name. Do your search and you will see some general information and then a list of any complaints filed by consumers just like you. You should also be able to see if the company in question took the time to resolve those complaints (which is good).
Business Directories:
Business directories can not only help you get the contact information for debt relief services and programs, but they can provide you with a wealth of information too. These directories will point you to a relief company's online website. What you want to look for in particular are directories that allow customers to rate and review clients. You can see for yourself (from others just like you) if the company is good at what they do.
Debt Relief Networks:
Finally, you can do a check with a relief network. These networks are similar to consumer protection agencies because they have the goal of providing you with legitimate and accurate information. Aside from a few general debt relief tips, you should find the contact information for settlement, consolidation, and credit counseling programs that have been tested and approved.
If you are over $10,000 in unsecured debt you really should consider getting a debt settlement. Creditors of unsecured debt are fearful of collecting and they also have stimulus money to make debt settlements financially feasible for them. Once the economy turns around it will be too late to eliminate your debt.
Check out the link below to locate legitimate debt relief companies in your area:
Free Debt Advice(http://www.debtreliefemergency.com/)Debt Settlement Programs - Tips To Exploit The Economy To Reduce Debt
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