Safety At Home 20 Tips To Protect Your Home In Holidays

May 14


nancy suzan

nancy suzan

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When it comes time to take well-deserved vacation we have many things to think about, many last minute details that we need to solve. However, between the choice of destination, the search for the plane tickets and hotel selection usually forget something very important:

When it comes time to take well-deserved vacation we have many things to think about,Safety At Home 20 Tips To Protect Your Home In Holidays Articles many last minute details that we need to solve. However, between the choice of destination, the search for the plane tickets and hotel selection usually forget something very important: security at home .When leaving be sure to lock all doors and windows of the house, leaving the blinds down in the middle, not to give that feeling of home living bait. This neglect is a detail that many criminals know and exploit so no wonder the theft and accidents are much more frequently when the houses are empty. Last year, the newspaper ABC reported that empty burglary increased by 17%, a trend that seems to run much of US. The basic measures to protect the home Ensuring security at home means not only protecting our home from theft but also from possible accidents.

Fortunately, if you follow these basic protective measures you can minimize the risks: Turn off all lights Use a light timer to indicate that someone is at home Connect a radio to the timer to give the impression that the house is occupied Disconnect all devices from electrical outlets Close the master keys and gas water Close all windows (both internal and external) Empty the refrigerator and unplug Install and activate an alarm system Hiring a security company for the time you're out and connect with the alarm system Secure all valuables in a safe Do not leave valuables visible from the exterior of the house Prune trees and clean the garden to prevent an accident during a storm and eliminate the possibility that these become a "natural steps" that facilitate the thieves access to the house Delete subscriptions to newspapers or magazines if you will be out for a long time or ask someone to regularly empty the mailbox.

Do not leave house keys outside No advertising on the Internet or in public places you will be away from home Seal the garage and security gate Installing protective bars on the windows, especially if you live in a neighbourhood with a high theft rate Leave a generic message on the answering machine that does not mention that you're away from home or use the call forwarding service Ask someone you trust to check the house often and let the data to locate you in an emergency If you're going out in winter, you should leave someone in charge of cleaning up the home front in case of snow You can also make home insurance that covers theft or any kind of accidents such as fires and damage from weather events. However, you should keep in mind that most insurance companies are asked to apply certain measures to ensure maximum security at home.