Have you ever noticed how successful individuals seem to be doing only things that they want? Ever wonder how they manage to do that? This article will give you a basic understanding of how you can do the same.
The first thing to understand is the four major areas for getting from where you are to where you want to be. Then setting up a team of individuals filling in and playing the roles that they most love to play. Wondering how this can be accomplished? Read on…
First lets understand the four major stages for getting from where you are to where you want to go:
1. The Visionary - This stage is the process where the vision of what you want is created. Some individuals love to play in this arena. They love to create new ideas, visions, solutions, and to stay on the leading edge. This part is very important because it brings the energy needed in the birth of a new idea or concept. Any idea will run into its challenges along the way, therefore, the more energy it has at the beginning, the better chance it has to come to fruition.
2. The Advancer - Ths stage is the essential step in narrowing down all those ideas by developing systems that will take the top 3-5 ideas or solutions created in the visionary part of the process. This is an essential step in beginning to break the process into small sequential steps that can be set into a plan to move forward. This is also the process where the most important steps of a sequence are identified and ready to be put thorugh the “mill” to trouble-shoot them before they really get underway.
3. The Refiner - This stage is the “mill”. Namely, this is the stage where the idea gets put through the “mill” to identify any major potential challenges or pitfalls that may kill the vision in its journey to coming to fruition. This is where all the potential challenges are brought up (not resolved) but brought up so that they may be addressed based. This step can be incredibly powerful in ensuring that the vision survives and becomes a reality.
4. The Executor - This stage is the “just do it” stage. This stage comes into effect once the vision has been put through the entire process shared in the first three stages. This is where nothing needs to be “figured out”, it simply just needs to be applied. It is most effective when the instruction is clearly defined and all the focus and attention is on just doing it. This is where the though, idea, and vision becomes a material result. This is where you see your dream come true, but the other three stages are essential in making this stage happen.
Now that you have the basics of the four stages that are necessary to take something from an idea stage to a manifestation stage, I’ll ask you a few questions:
1. From the stages described above, which would you say you enjoy doing the most?
2. Who do you know that loves to do some of the other steps you don’t love?
3. How can you bring these individuals together to fill in the roles you don’t love and they do love?
Write down the answers to the three questions above, then get clear as to how you can create a win-win situation for everyone involved and begin to implement this process. It is amazing to see how many people will want to play a role when they are playing a role they love. What’s even more amazing is to see how many people will play their role and want nothing in return (though I’d recommend you still create a win-win situation for them). Think about it for just a moment. How many times have you found yourself “volunteering” to do something simply because you enjoyed the role you were playing…you were just simply having fun doing what you do. This is exactly what happens when you have the clarity of the roles mentioned above and you set up your team in such a way that everyone is playing to their strength.
I trust you’ll enjoy setting up your team and creating tons of fun. If you wish to understand this process in more depth, I recommend you take a look at “Success Communication: Keys to effective and powerful communication“
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