The Logic behind Gas Transmission Metrics
Oil refining metrics do not only deal with the actual company performance, it has something to do with global and political undertakings and events.
One of the many ways to measure efficiency for an oil company is through oil refining metrics. These are indicators of how well it is performing not only in terms of financial stability,

investment return, industry structure and scalability, and product salability, but other factors that may not be felt by end consumers. These are factors that significantly impact global politics.In this regard, there are two general divisions: the monetary metrics and the non-monetary metrics. Monetary metrics include the possibility or likelihood of the transfer of wealth from one country to another. It is generally seen in history that world power has been moved from one country to another. It will be observed, too, that the oil boom has significantly impacted how countries are doing in terms of economic efficiency. It is not only gold reserves that dictate a country’s position, but also oil assets. On the other hand, this wealth also translates into terrorist activities. It is known to many that terrorist cells are funded through oil wealth.The non-monetary metric worth mentioning here are the military costs and political risks. As mentioned earlier, global positioning of wealth is an indication of how a country will do. Although these two are more related to security metrics of oil, the process of oil refining metrics are indirectly affecting these costs and risks. The more refined oil is, the greater its value will be. If oil has greater value, then it need not be said that it is a major asset of a country. In the 80s and 90s, it was said that the United States government spent billions of dollars per year to protect its oil assets in the Middle East. As such, the costs associated or mentioned earlier are just on military expenditures alone, not including the actual maintenance of its oil assets facilities.Taking it on the lighter side, the concentration of oil refining metrics is highly relevant to its profitability, business value, and environmental hazard. A very common metric found in many oil companies as far as refining is concerned is the market access. This is measured through its effectiveness in terms of import and export processes and restrictions. With the different agreements and treaties between countries, any oil project, investment, and undertaking are determined by market access. It simply defines whether the project is feasible or not. There is no point producing oil if it cannot be sold to the target market.The other one that is of great consideration is environmental safety. One needs to ask the existing laws of a country prior to producing oil or even refining it. Investors also look into the potential hazards, not only to the people who work, but also the people who use it. Environmental risks are also measured to see if the product is compliant with environmental safety. No investor would want his name associated with any product tied up with the terms “danger” and “hazard.” Any product that is deemed and tagged harmful will eventually lose its market share. Oil refining metrics are then obviously key indicators of value, not only for the company, but also global power play.