SAP Business One Programming Integration Interface in Software Development Kit

Sep 18


Andrew Karasev

Andrew Karasev

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It is not recommended to send records to native SAP B1 tables directly via custom SQL insert statements. And it is also not recommended updating existing records via SQL. Business One has three tiers architecture and data integration should be done via Application Server.


There is Data Transfer Workbench which allows you to login and feed data either from filled CSV templates or via ODBC connection to something like SQL View where CSV template file structure is imitated.  We already published articles on advanced ODBC ongoing integration via Workbench.  In this paper we will try to concentrate on Software Development Kit:

1. Recommended Programming environment is Microsoft Visual Studio and due to the fact that code samples are available in C# or VB these two languages are probably preferred.  But you can choose another developing instrument for example Delphi as soon as you are comfortable read VB or C# code samples and translate them into your favorite language.  It should not be a complex translation exercise as you should be able to recognize login to SB1 and such things as new Sales Order creation and adding item lines to it to give you example from Ecommerce Shopping Cart or EDI integrating

2. Custom tables and fields.  Interface planning often ends up with requirement to prepare user defined tables and fields.  In SBO there is no need in SQL surgery and you can add these objects in Settings.  As soon as you add these objects they should become available in SDK.  Newly created custom table could be deployed as staging data import repository and you may fill it via SQL insert statement or stored procedure and then SDK code is beginning slow process of moving records into native B1 tables

3. Compiling the project.  In order to compile the project you need to have Business One client application installed as if you don’t have it then you may be short of required DLL libraries

4. Future maintenance.  Every several years it is recommended to upgrade your Small Business ERP to new version and Business One is not an exception.  SDK customization must be recompiled and potentially its code reviewed on the compatibility to the new release.  As you understand Source Code is required to recompile and this is one of the reasons to possess source code even if you are subcontracting coding to VAR or certified programmer.  The hope that you  will keep perfect relations with your consulting firm in the future is not a perfect insurance policy

5. Integration with non-Microsoft external database or application.  There might be two strategies.  First one is old-good-days HTTP post and the second one is SOAP XML Web Service.  These methods should allow you to abstract programmed logic and you can call either HTTP post or web service from MySQL/Linux/PHP,SAP Business One Programming Integration Interface in Software Development Kit Articles Apple or Java/Oracle based systems

6. Testing and Quality Assurance.  We recommend you test company approach where you are creating second company and then loading it from production company backup directly in SQL Server Management Studio

7. Performance.  As integrating has to login and create or update all the objects with complete business logic validation you may expect that its performance theoretically might be not comparable to what could of being achieved via SQL Stored Procedure.  So if you are planning to bring over ten thousands of documents in one session then please expect that process might take hours.  Talk to your developers and compare DI Server versus traditional Data access

8. Beyond SDK.  There are several integration tools available through ISV market and if you believe that you have to deploy one of them instead of SDK be ready to do your homework

9. Please call us 1-866-304-3265, 1-269-605-4904 (for international customers, where our representatives pick up the phone in Naperville, IL and St. Joseph, MI call centers).  We have local presence in Atlanta, Chicago, Southern California, South West Michigan, Houston and Dallas areas of Texas. We serve customers USA, Canada, Mexico and Brazil nationwide and internationally via web sessions and phone conferences (Skype is welcomed). Our consultants speak English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Chinese.  One of our experiences is international Corporate ERP and Consolidated Financial reporting