Submit your article or press release on Microsoft Dynamics products family

Feb 29


Andrew Karasev

Andrew Karasev

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Andrew Karasev on behalf of Alba Spectrum Group, one of the leading technology media portals and nationwide consulting and software development company invites Great Plains Dynamics gurus to share their implementation, case studies, data conversion, touch support cases, ERP bugs, known issues, upgrade tricks (such as forced upgrade), walkaways from other non Dynamics MRP platforms.


Alba Spectrum with its high technology and ERP internet ranking will help you inch up in google,Submit your article or press release on Microsoft Dynamics products family Articles yahoo, msn and other search engines. It also should help your website which will get link back with its Search Engine Optimization or SEO:

1.       FAQ.  As Great Plains consultant or programmer you probably have a list of typically asked questions, and you would like to share these questions with G users auditorium.  We welcome you to submit your FAQ to our pages

2.       Humor.  If you have funny stories about Microsoft Dynamics GP support from your consulting practice, all of us should probably share your impression and laugh together.  Let’s come to more serious contribution topics

3.       Dexterity Sanscript, VBA, SQL, eConnect, C# and VB code.  We certainly understand that code is your precious assets, however if you share your knowledge you should be recognized by GP ERP users community and probably be recognized by Microsoft – MS has such nice programs and titles as Microsoft Most Valuable Professional

4.       Press Releases.  PR is typically overfilled with advertisement information and we do not consider PR as good for your business SEO as article, however we welcome you to submit press release and potentially help your company website to get more links and higher ranks in GP qualified keywords