How to Get Over a Girl After a Bad Break Up

Apr 15


Scott J. Patterson

Scott J. Patterson

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Breaking up with a woman is hard to do. But in this article, you’ll learn the secrets for overcoming the end of a relationship.

Most men don’t get over it very well and some even fear it so much,How to Get Over a Girl After a Bad Break Up Articles that it slows them down from approaching girls – rejection. There have even been surveys that show that over 70 percent of men who had been studied in a psychological clinic have a fear of it. Studies also show that most men have a worse fear of being dumped by their lover than being rejected during the first round of dating. This is said to be so because when dating for a while, men develop a bond with their girlfriend, making the adjustment of being dumped hard. You may think that a girl looks sweet and helpless, but trust, she is capable of dumping you in a heartbeat – even if the guy was very good to her. There is no known reason to why women dump men for no apparent reason, so it is important for men to take some simple steps to take the break up a bit better. To help get over the girl that melted your heart in the beginning and broke it in the end, follow these tips:1) You will first need to stop adoring her. If you keep holding on to past memories, photos and such, you won’t be able to get past her being gone and move on. This will only make things worse for you. It is important that you understand the fact that the relationship is over between you two. By giving her the same attention she deserved when she was with you will only create problems. Move on with your life without any thoughts of her.2) Close all contact with her. It is important to get rid of any ties that you have with her. If you know places where she hangs out or areas where she works and lives, stay away. You should also get rid of her phone number, so that you won’t be tempted to call her (try to erase it from your memory if you can). If you keep popping up at places she is, she will look at you like a helpless dog begging for attention and love. Eliminate contact with her; this means talking over the phone, internet, snail mail and text messaging. 3) Express how you feel. Many men hide their true feelings; as a result this will leave problems unattended and they will only grow. This will cause you to think about the feelings more and your heartache will increase and will take longer to go away. Try going out with your friends; have a few drinks to get rid of the bitterness. Once you overcome the emotional aspects of the break up, you will be able to completely overcome it. 4) Avoid her completely. Even when you think you are over her, stay away from places she may be located; this may reopen healing wounds.5) Don’t ask for things back. It is very immature to ask her to give back things you have given her. These items will only serve as a memory of her.6) Go out! Don’t mope around the house all the time. Try going out with your friends to take your mind off of what’s going on. Before you know it, she will be miles away in your head and you’ll be able to finally move on.

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