If You Are Still In Love With Your Ex Girlfriend, Here is How to Get Her Back

Sep 5


W. Scott

W. Scott

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If You Are Still In Love With Your Ex Girlfriend then by all means you need to figure out how to get her back. Maybe your listening skills are not quite what you think they are. Find out if your solution lies here.

Are you still in love with your ex girlfriend? Then it only makes sense that you want to know how to get her back. However,If You Are Still In Love With Your Ex Girlfriend, Here is How to Get Her Back Articles I am guessing that the reason you are reading this article is because you have tried on your own and it did not work.Relax, there is good chance we can help you get her back if you are still in love. But your tactics are going to have to change.Many men try to get their girlfriend back by blubbering all sorts of phrases like I love you, I need you, I will change (yeah, right!) and anything else they can think of that is never going to work.You may have even gone the route of some men and opened your wallet trying to get her back with presents, jewelry, fancy dinners and whatever else came to mind. While that may have tempted her for the short term, it probably drove her farther away in the long run.I seriously doubt your ex dumped you because she did not think you loved her, needed her, did not spend enough on her, etc. Chances are that she wanted someone to talk to who would listen to her and really become one with.How are your listening skills?When your ex girlfriend used to talk, where you just hearing what she said, or maybe 80% of it, then trying to figure out an "answer" to the problem she was describing? I admit, I used to do that too sometimes.Until I figured out that she was not explaining this problem to me in hopes of me formulating a solution to it. No, she wanted to TALK about the problem and have someone identify with her, empathize with her, and support her emotionally.If she really wanted an answer to her problem she probably could have come up with one herself. Listening to you rattle off some solution and make her listen to you talking was not what she was looking for.Men and women communicate differently and men just have to accept that. If you want to score points with a woman you will listen carefully to what she is saying and ask pertinent questions that encourage her to talk more.Other than that, try keeping your mouth shut. She is not your girlfriend so that she can hear you talk more often.If you are still in love with your ex girlfriend enough to change your talking and listening habits the way I have described above, then you know how to get her back and it is time to start trying.See if you can engage her in meaningful conversation about what is important to her and make sure that her conversation is the center of focus. Do your bragging, boasting and make a fool of yourself on a night out with the guys from now on.I am glad you are still in love with your ex girlfriend and want you to know how to get her back into a meaningful, long term relationship.Get some more ideas how at our website: http://www.RelationshipAdviceHelp.com. The sooner you head over there the sooner she will be yours again.

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