United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)

May 1


AP Singh

AP Singh

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In this article we will get to know about the United Nations General Assembly- The largest organ of United Nations, it's importance, structure and working procedure.


United nations general assembly is the largest among the major organs of the United Nations. This is the most important organ of United Nations. The form of this institution is of 'Human Parliament'. Some scholars have said important things about it.

According to ITEL BURGER,United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Articles 'This is the free conscience of the world.'

The Shumans have called it 'The city council of the world.'

According to David Cushman, the General Assembly is a central or major part of the United Nations.

Senator Vandenberg has called it ' World's small parliament.'

According to Section 1 of Article 9 of the Charter of the United Nations, the United Nations General Assembly shall consist of all members of the United Nations. At present its number of members is 193. Each member country can send five representatives and five alternate representatives. But each member country can only have one vote or opinion. Representatives have the right to participate in the debate.

Sessions - Regular and General Sessions of the General Assembly begin on the third tuesday of September each year and often run till December. Special sessions of the General Assembly are held at the request of the majority members of the United Nations Security Council or the United Nations.
Voting Procedure - According to Article 18 of the Charter of the United Nations, every member of the General Assembly shall have one vote in voting. One state in the General Assembly recognizes the principle of one vote. The distinction of small and large states is erased on all important questions in the General Assembly. The decision is made by a two-thirds majority of the countries present and the common questions are decided and voted.

Committees of the United Nations General Assembly - In order to carry out its functions smoothly, the General Assembly has constituted the following committees: -


  1.  Disarmament and International and Security Committee
  2. Economicand Financial Committee
  3. SocialHumanitarian and Cultural Committee
  4. TrustCommittee
  5. Administrative and Budget Committee
  6. Legal Committee

Apart from the above mentioned committees, two process committees have also been constituted.


  1. General Committee                 and
  2. CertificateCommittee.

In addition to all these committees, the General Assembly can also set up specific or ad hoc sub-committees for the purpose of meeting specific objectives.

Speaker - For each session, the President of the General Assembly elects a President who presides over its meetings. With a view to providing equal geographical representation, the General Assembly presides over 5 groups of states each year in African ,Asian ,Eastern European, Latin America ,and Western Europe and other states.( is given in turn.)