The Impact of Beverly Hills 90210 on Young Girls

May 15


Joe Owens

Joe Owens

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Beverly Hills 90210, a cultural phenomenon of the 90s, has left an indelible mark on its audience, particularly young girls. This article delves into the show's influence, examining whether it has had a positive or negative effect on its viewers. We explore the nuances of its impact, supported by statistics and expert opinions.


The Dream of the Perfect Prince

Many young girls grow up with fairy tale dreams of becoming princesses and finding their perfect prince. This ideal often includes the notion that their prince will take care of everything,The Impact of Beverly Hills 90210 on Young Girls Articles leaving little room for the idea of self-sufficiency. As these girls mature, they may seek partners who fit this mold, prioritizing financial stability over shared interests or passions. This mindset can be traced back to various media influences, including popular TV shows like Beverly Hills 90210.

The Influence of Beverly Hills 90210

Beverly Hills 90210, which aired from 1990 to 2000, was a staple for many young viewers. The show portrayed a glamorous lifestyle, with characters often involved in dramatic relationships. One of the most iconic characters, Dylan McKay, was the quintessential "bad boy" with a heart of gold and a hefty bank account. His ability to provide for his girlfriends was a significant part of his appeal.

The Role of Media in Shaping Perceptions

Media has long been criticized for shaping societal norms and expectations. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, media exposure can significantly influence young people's attitudes and behaviors (APA, 2007). Beverly Hills 90210 is no exception. The show's portrayal of relationships and gender roles has been scrutinized for promoting unrealistic standards.

The Chicken or the Egg Dilemma

The debate over whether media reflects societal values or shapes them is ongoing. While media undoubtedly mirrors societal changes, it also plays a role in driving those changes. Beverly Hills 90210, with its portrayal of wealth, beauty, and romance, both reflected and influenced the aspirations of its audience.

The New Generation of Beverly Hills 90210

The reboot of Beverly Hills 90210 introduced a new cast but retained many of the original themes. The emphasis on physical appearance and romantic drama remained, with added focus on sexual content. Concerns about the portrayal of body image were heightened, as some characters appeared to struggle with eating disorders.

The Impact on Body Image

The portrayal of thin, attractive characters can contribute to body image issues among young viewers. According to the National Eating Disorders Association, media exposure is a risk factor for developing eating disorders (NEDA, 2018). The reboot of Beverly Hills 90210 has faced criticism for perpetuating these harmful standards.

Personal Reflections on Beverly Hills 90210

Many fans of the original series have shared how the show influenced their views on relationships. The character of Dylan McKay, in particular, left a lasting impression. His combination of attractiveness and financial stability set a standard that some viewers sought in their own relationships.

The Role of Ambition and Leadership

The portrayal of strong, ambitious characters in media can be a double-edged sword. While ambition is often celebrated, it can also be depicted negatively. Women, in particular, may be labeled as "bossy" or "bitchy" for displaying leadership qualities. This dichotomy is evident in many media portrayals, including Beverly Hills 90210.


Beverly Hills 90210 has undeniably influenced its audience, particularly young girls. While the show provided entertainment and escapism, it also perpetuated certain stereotypes and unrealistic standards. As consumers of media, it is essential to critically evaluate the content we consume and recognize its potential impact on our perceptions and behaviors.

Interesting Stats

  • Media Influence on Body Image: A study found that 69% of girls reported that magazine pictures influenced their idea of the perfect body shape (Martin, 2010).
  • Television and Eating Disorders: Research indicates that the prevalence of eating disorders is higher in countries with greater exposure to Western media (Becker, 2004).


  • American Psychological Association. (2007). Report of the APA Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. Retrieved from APA
  • National Eating Disorders Association. (2018). Media, Body Image, and Eating Disorders. Retrieved from NEDA
  • Martin, J. B. (2010). The Development of Ideal Body Image Perceptions in the United States. Nutrition Today, 45(2), 98-110.
  • Becker, A. E. (2004). Television, Disordered Eating, and Young Women in Fiji: Negotiating Body Image and Identity During Rapid Social Change. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 28(4), 533-559.

By understanding the impact of shows like Beverly Hills 90210, we can better navigate the complex relationship between media and personal development.