Lori was carrying a heavy debt load for a long time:More than $94,500.00 of high interest credit card debt.In a nutshell, here is Lori's story:Minimum...
Lori was carrying a heavy debt load for a long time:
More than $94,500.00 of high interest credit card debt.
In a nutshell, here is Lori's story:
Minimum payments:Total Balance: $ 94,500.00
Plus Interest: $107,317.15
Monthly payments: $ 2,835.00
TIME to debt free: 37.2 YEARS
How did Lori get out of this mess? Read on!
Lori's average interest rate was 16%, which is lower than the average rate of most people I talk to daily. The average American today pays 18.9% interest. Hint: That's insane!
If she continued doing what she'd been doing, paying minimum payments of $2,835.00 a month, then Lori was facing a grim future of 446 Months (37.2 Years!) to get out of debt!
This would've cost about $107,317.15 IN INTEREST ALONE.
This assumes Lori NEVER:
A) Charges another dime, and/or
B) Misses a payment, which would likely trigger an increase in her interest rates to 20-30%+ on all accounts.
This would cause her monthly payments to increase ridiculously.
The time frame for her to be debt free would then stretch out towards forever...
Her total cost to be debt free through this approach is right around $201,817!
What was Lori able to do AFTER she learned her options for getting out of debt ASAP?
Within about 30 minutes she learned how she can be debt free (through a debt settlement program) in just 24 months for a total cost of about $65,350 with payments of only $2,723 a month.
Please, go back and read that again.
Remember, if Lori kept doing what she had been doing (making minimum payments), she would have taken 37.2 years to get out of debt for a total cost of about $201,817.
Go ahead, read that one more time, too. Compare.
Think about that for a minute.
So, What's The Difference?
Difference #1: Lori is now able to avoid bankruptcy, which she feared was her only way out from underneath her overwhelming debt load.
Difference #2: She immediately STOPS paying interest.
Difference #3: In 24 months she is debt free (instead of 37+ years).
Difference #4: After 2 short years she has NO MORE PAYMENTS, putting over $2,800.00 OF CASH FLOW BACK IN HER POCKET EVERY MONTH FOR OVER 37 YEARS!
She can use this cash flow to save and invest, having her money working for her.
The difference this makes in her financial future 5-20+ years down the road is astounding.
SEE The Difference? Can you FEEL it?
It's the difference between slavery and freedom.
My Message To YOU (Yes, You!)
Lori is one of many people who have found debt settlement to be the best option for achieving debt free status ASAP while saving significant amounts of money (both in monthly payments and over the long term). This is a case study of an actual person with her actual numbers.
As you can see, debt settlement can have huge benefits and is a very attractive option for people struggling with significant debt. I have seen debt settlement save the financial lives of hundreds of people first hand, but I've also spoken with far too many people who had the promise of debt settlement sold to them by sales people and companies who could not, and did not, deliver. For the folks who were fooled, the promise of saving their financial life turned into a financial nightmare far worse than it was when they reached out for help.
Now, I'm adamant about getting a message out about debt settlement. The message is two-fold:
1) Debt settlement is often the very best choice for people in financial hardship struggling with serious debt problems.
2) The debt management industry is filled with shady sales people. Unethical companies will over-promise with little or no intention of fulfilling their promises. These are real life "bad guys".
As one of the "good guys", I'm compelled to both tout the benefits of debt settlement to educate folks on how it works, why it works and who it's best suited for, as well as warn you what to "watch out for" when searching for debt settlement advice, services or companies.
Remember the nutshell? Here's how it looks now. If you are in Lori's situation, call us!
Minimum payments: Debt Settlement:Balance: $ 94,500.00 $65,350.00
Interest to pay: $107,317.15 $ 000.00
TOTAL PAID: $201,817.15 $65,350.00
Monthly payments: $ 2,835.00 $ 2,723.00
TIME to debt free: 37.2 YEARS 2 YEARS
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