How to Do the 'Ultimate' Burpee

May 6


Matt Wiggins

Matt Wiggins

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Discover a challenging variation of the classic burpee that can elevate your fitness routine to new heights. This intense exercise, known as the 'Ultimate Burpee,' combines strength, agility, and cardiovascular endurance, making it a powerhouse of a workout.


Introduction to the Burpee

The burpee is a staple in fitness regimes worldwide,How to Do the 'Ultimate' Burpee Articles known for its simplicity and effectiveness. It's a full-body exercise that targets multiple muscle groups and boosts cardiovascular endurance. Traditionally, burpees have been incorporated into military training, school physical education, and sports conditioning due to their comprehensive fitness benefits.

Despite its benefits, the burpee is often met with groans due to its challenging nature. It rapidly increases heart rate, engages major muscle groups, and can be quite exhausting. However, like many challenging exercises, burpees offer significant health benefits, including improved strength, endurance, and calorie burning.

Evolution of the Burpee

Originally developed in the 1930s by physiologist Royal H. Burpee, the exercise was intended to be a quick and simple way to assess fitness levels. The basic movement involves a squat, jump, and a push-up. Over the years, fitness enthusiasts and trainers have created numerous variations to increase its intensity and effectiveness. These include adding weights, increasing repetitions, and incorporating additional movements like the dive bomber push-up.

The 'Ultimate Burpee'

The 'Ultimate Burpee' takes the traditional burpee to the next level by integrating more complex movements that challenge the body dynamically. Here’s how to perform the 'Ultimate Burpee':

  1. Start Position: Stand tall with your hands at your sides.
  2. Squat Down: Lower your body into a squat and place your hands on the ground just outside your feet.
  3. Thrust Back: Jump your feet back into a plank position, keeping your hands fixed and butt raised, resembling the 'up' position of a Dive Bomber Push-Up.
  4. Dive Bomber Push-Up: Perform a Dive Bomber Push-Up, swooping down and then back up.
  5. Jump Forward: Thrust your feet forward, returning to the squat position.
  6. Forward Thrust: Propel your body forward into the 'up' position of a regular Push-Up.
  7. Push-Up: Execute a standard Push-Up.
  8. Return: Jump back into the squat position.
  9. Stand Up: Return to the standing position.

This sequence counts as one repetition. The 'Ultimate Burpee' is not only physically demanding but also tests your coordination and agility.

Benefits and Challenges

The 'Ultimate Burpee' is a high-intensity workout that offers numerous benefits:

  • Enhanced Cardiovascular Endurance: Continuous movement keeps the heart rate elevated.
  • Increased Strength: Involves multiple muscle groups across the upper and lower body.
  • Improved Coordination: Complex movements enhance neuromuscular coordination.
  • Calorie Burning: High-intensity nature helps burn a significant number of calories.

However, due to its intensity, the 'Ultimate Burpee' may not be suitable for beginners or those with certain physical limitations. It's important to build a foundation of strength and endurance with standard burpees before attempting this advanced variation.

Incorporating 'Ultimate Burpees' into Your Routine

To effectively include 'Ultimate Burpees' in your workout regimen, consider the following tips:

  • Warm-Up Properly: Prepare your body with a thorough warm-up to avoid injuries.
  • Start Slow: Begin with a low number of repetitions and gradually increase as your fitness improves.
  • Mix It Up: Combine 'Ultimate Burpees' with other exercises to create a balanced workout.
  • Rest and Recover: Allow adequate recovery between sessions to prevent overtraining.

For further reading on burpee variations and their benefits, reputable sources such as Mayo Clinic and American Council on Exercise offer extensive information.


The 'Ultimate Burpee' is a dynamic and challenging variation that can significantly enhance your physical fitness. By integrating this exercise into your routine, you can experience improved strength, endurance, and overall health. Remember to listen to your body and adjust the intensity to match your fitness level.