www.SCIENTIFICWRESTLING.com The Gloves Are Coming Off!!! - Part 2

Sep 5


Jake Shannon

Jake Shannon

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As for the kick-boxing which took place in the UWFi, it couldn't have been closer to Muay Thai as we felt that this was and is the ultimate form of "stand-up fighting".

 But in our style there were more kicks than punches in most cases,www.SCIENTIFICWRESTLING.com The Gloves Are Coming Off!!! - Part 2 Articles we did away with the elbows and had experienced referees who knew how to stop the bout before someone got really hurt, not after they got hurt.

There was only one match Makoto Ohe had during his run with us which allowed elbows, and this was a UWFi vs Shootboxing match which was the main event on a Shootboxing promotion which was under Shootboxing rules (throws & suplexes would score points, knees to everywhere on the body except the groin, standing submissions allowed. This turned out to be not much of a factor, as the match turned out to be pure Muay Thai style and neither the Shootboxer, Yoshitaka, who was their current champion or Ohe, who was their former champion before he left to join UWFi, went for any throws or standing submissions).

Only a few elbows, but this did cause some damage. This is what we did not allow in the UWFi rings, no matter what rules our guys were fighting under during each match (we had "Oriental Rules", "Full-contact Rules", "Muay Thai without elbow" rules).

I honestly feel that our kick-boxing bouts were more technical as well as much more entertaining than a lot of the fights which take place in the K-1, but we always had safety as a priority no matter how tough it got up in the ring.

Remember, "tough" is not a synonym for "dangerous", and "safe" does not necessarily mean "being a wimp".

-end of Part II-
To be continued...

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