Yoga poses to heal from infection and virus

Mar 3




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This is a season where most of the people are struggling with sore throats and little bit sniffles, cold, and flu. Yes, the winter is the time where most of the people knocked down with body ache, pain, running nose and sneezes that don’t stop.


This is a season where most of the people are struggling with sore throats and little bit sniffles,Yoga poses to heal from infection and virus Articles cold, and flu. Yes, the winter is the time where most of the people knocked down with body ache, pain, running nose and sneezes that don’t stop. If even the slightest of change in the weather makes you vulnerable with various ailments like cold, cough, influenza, and other viruses, that means your immunity is not strong enough.

Recently 150 people are died due to the coronavirus in china. Coronavirus is a kind of common virus that affects mainly our nose, sinus, upper throat, and respiratory tract. This infection spread to other people like other common cold viruses spread. This can affect anyone with weaker immunity, and we are going to fail if we don’t respect and care about our body and its immunity. It is a major question of how we deal with these viruses and infections?? No, we don’t; our immunity takes care of it, but do we take care of our immune system??

Yoga and immunity:

Our immune system is consists of white blood cells that protect our body from the attacks of the virus and keep us safe from ailments. Yoga posture help in strengthening your immune system by stimulating the thymus gland located above the heart and the spleen in the upper abdomen. Yoga prevents the shrinking of the thymus in size by reducing stress as it can lead to the poor functioning of the thymus. Apart from restorative yoga poses, forward bending and inversion are especially soothing to your nervous system hence reducing from the whole body. Inversion like shoulder stands to increase the flow of blood to throat and head hence transport more white blood cells to the area needed that relieves you from congestion.

In yoga, various postures help in keeping your immune system strong and healthy that prevents you from cold or flu and also helps in recovering too. This yoga poses also helps in releasing the lactic acid from the muscles that cause stiffness and pain.

Five Yoga poses to builds immunity and heals infection

Sarvangasana (shoulder stand):

Lie down comfortably on your back and take a deep breath and raise your leg and spine upwards until your toes point towards the ceiling. Support your back with your hands and bring your chin close towards your chin. Hold on this yoga pose and breathe deeply from your abdomen and try to concentrate on your thyroid gland. Now gradually return from pose while exhaling.


Sarvangasana is known as a queen of all yoga asana, as this yoga asana is concerned with all the parts of the body. It stretches the neck and increases blood circulation to the head, shoulder, and neck. This yoga pose is highly therapeutic for sinusitis and asthma.

Fish pose:

Lie down on your yoga mat and place your palm pressed firmly on your thighs. Now shift your entire body weight on your elbows and raise your upper torso and head. Arch your chest up and lower your head to the floor and try to create a bridge between your head and hips. Try to open your chest as much as possible. Hold on this yoga pose for at least 30 seconds and then gently release.


Fish pose to open your chest, lungs, and throat and increase the blood circulation while relieving you from congestion. It helps in stimulating the thyroid gland that regulates metabolism. It increases the blood circulation towards spleen and thymus that helps in releasing white blood cells towards infection.

Shirshasana (headstand):

Start with placing yourself opposite to the wall. Sit on your legs, bend the elbows and bring your hands close and interlock your finger. Now place your head on the floor and held your head by your cupped hand. Now keep your head and elbows there and straighten your knees. Lift your hips upwards, keeping your weight on your elbows and walk towards your head till your hips are directly above your shoulder. Slowly lift your one leg at a time and then second; now slowly straighten both legs towards ceiling and breath slowly.

Hold this pose for a few seconds and gently release from the pose.


Headstand is also known as the king of all yoga asana as this yoga pose is master in curing various ailments. It is one of the most effective yoga asanas for mind and body.

Anulom Vilom pranayama:

Sit down comfortably in Sukhasana and keep your back straight. Now close your right nostril from your right thumb and take a deep breath from your left nostril. Close your left nostril with your ring finger of the right hand and open your right nostril. Exhale slowly from the right nostril; now, keeping your left nostril closed by the thumb, take a deep breath from the right nostril. Close the right nostril with the right thumb and lift your ring finger from your left nostril. Now exhale from the left nostril and now repeat this process at least ten times.


Also known as Nadi shodhana pranayama, this practice cleanses the whole nervous system. Regular practice of Anulom Vilom pranayama relieve our body from stress, anxiety and also provide treatment for some health condition like asthma, high blood pressure, depression, neural tissue, and sinus issue. 

Viparita Karani

Sit sideways near a wall, placing your hip close to the wall. Lie down comfortably on your yoga mat away from the wall. Now lift your hips with the help of your hands and place it on the wall comfortably. Allow your arms to rest on either side of your body with your palm face and breathe deeply. Hold this yoga pose according to your comfort or for at least ten breaths and then release gently.


Legs up the wall is a wonderful yoga pose to counter respiratory disease. Practicing this yoga asana calm your mind and help lymph cell and white blood cells move freely to the targeted areas by increasing blood circulation.