Candida Symptoms

Feb 19


Janice Townsend

Janice Townsend

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Because Candida is often associated with other different medical conditions you may need to assess carefully. However, you may care to know that 90% of the population are completely unaware that they suffer from the condition.

This is an extensive list of symptoms related to Candida Albicans,Candida Symptoms Articles though by no means exhaustive. 

You may be surprised to discover that the following symptoms are so far removed from what the most popular understanding of Candida Albicans is. 

Almost everyone is aware of severe itching to the genitalia, although as this list will outline, that is only a very small part of this insidious fungi.

Due to the fact that Candida Albicans can transmute and cause so many different symptoms it can be very difficult for a GP to know what the exact problem is.

Look at the list below and see if you are experiencing any of the symptoms.

·        Menstrual difficulties

·        Depression

·        Sensitivity to Tobacco Smoke

·        Lowered Immunity

.        Arthritis 

·        Anxiety

·        Bloating

·        Sinus Congestion

.        Blood Sugar Imbalances

·        Brain Fog

·        Cravings for Alcohol

·        Cravings for Sugar or Bread

.        Allergies

·        Weight Loss

·        Fatigue

·        Oral Thrush

·        Intestinal Disturbances

·        Mood Swings

·        Hormone Imbalances

.        Multiple Food Sensitivities

·        Painful Joints

·        Poor Concentration

·        Sensitivity to Chemicals

·        Post Nasal Drip

·        Sensitivity to Perfume

·        Skin Rashes

·        Urinary Tract Infections

·        Vaginal Discharge

·        Weight Gain

·        Diarrhoea

Because Candida is often associated with other different medical conditions you may need to assess carefully.  However, you may care to know that 90% of the population are completely unaware that they suffer from the condition. In some cases, the disease is so powerful that the infected person finds that they are unable to work, as they feel constantly exhausted.  Of course, the problem is compounded by the fact that this may be related to something other than Candida.

 If you find that you have many of the symptoms outlined above you would be advised to at least discuss these concerns with your doctor.  Treatments vary, with conventional treatments focusing on the effect, and the more recent holistic treatments focusing on the cause. 

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