Factors Contributing to Sinusitis

Dec 15


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It is a well-known fact that anyone at some time or another suffers from some form of symptoms like a runny nose, mild headache or itchy eyes. For some this may develop to sinusitis or rhinosinusitis.


In America alone some estimated 40 million people suffer from at least one episode of acute sinusitis each year. There are many factors contributing to this.

Viral Infections

A virus is a very small infectious organism. It lives and reproduces by attaching to a cell that can be transmitted from person to person. Thus,Factors Contributing to Sinusitis Articles they are contagious. The first body protection is the skin. Viruses cannot get in unless there is an open wound. The mucous membranes in our nose also known as our natural air-filter is our second body protection against viruses. The body immune system is the third barrier of protection.

Vaccines are available for viral diseases such as measles,chickenpox and mumps but unfortunately no vaccine is yet effective against common cold. Colds are viral infections that often lead to a bout of sinusitis.

Bacterial Infections

Bacteria are single-celled organism that exist in many forms within our environment. It is so prevalent that it is estimated that every square centimetre of human skin contains about 100,000 of them. There are many types of bacteria and the better known one is called the bacilli. They thrive well in moist and warm environments.

Fungal Infections

Fungi are living plant-like organism. Like bacteria, they can break down many kinds of organic substances and they grow in damp places like between our toes or in our sinuses.So fungal infections are likely to attack a person who is ill and allergic to it.

Air Pollution

Air pollution has become a major problem in this generation where many nations are trying to compete for resources to modernise their economies. It has since been responsible for a long list of respiratory problems including rhinosinusitis. The mucus created in the nose and sinuses is designed to trap harmful particles, however because the air around us is so saturated with pollutants that it causes inflammation and swelling of the nose.


Smoking is a no-no-no for those prone to sinusitis. The sinuses and nose are lined with tiny hairs called cilia and with the mucus at the correct pace helps the sinuses remain clear of pollutants and toxins at a timely manner. Smoking slows down the sweeping action of the cilia causing the mucus to accumulate at the sinuses. As it starts to thicken as a result it blocks the nose and may develop to chronic cough.


Because fungi thrive in warm, wet conditions, hot, humid climates are often a problem for those who are allergic to molds.

Swimming and Diving

Swimming and diving in polluted water is a high risk for those who suffer for rhinosinsusitis. Those with very sensitive or reactive nasal mucus membranes can cause inflammation within the nose. The change in air pressure during diving may provoke a sinus attack.

Foreign objects placed in the nose

Dust collected and deposited in toys and other objects like the curtains, carpets and blankets can provoke sinusitis. Wash and clean them often to avoid bad smelling.

Excessive Nose Blowing

Excessive nose blowing can force mucus that has become contaminated with bacteria into the sinuses. As a result, people who blow their nose too often may increase the risk of developing bacterial rhinosinusitis.


Allergies are a hypersensitivity or a reaction of the immune system. Irritants such as pollen ,mites, tobacco smoke, animals, insects, food and drugs can trigger sinusitis Symptoms include itchy eyes, sneezing ,nasal stuffiness, nasal congestion and headache.

You can discover more on how sinusitis and chronic sinusitis can affect you click here at http://www.sinuscureinformation.info